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South Africa Report - May 2007

Dear Friends:

Greetings from South Africa.

We thank our Lord Jesus Christ who has enabled us because He counted us faithful, putting us in the ministry. 1 Timothy 1:18

We want to thank all of you that have been praying for us. Our time in South Africa the last weeks has been incredible.

We began our mission here in Durban with our friends from the DCC family. We started on Saturday night with a meeting for men at the Jesus Dome. This was the launching of the men’s ministry called HERO (having evry reason to overcome). I preached a message titled “dealing with your daddy’s devil”. The power of God was so special. Many were saved and touched. Then we had 3 meetings on Sunday at the Jesus Dome and the Berea road, we had incredible miracle services with a powerful demonstration of the gifts of the Spirit and words of knowledge. Many were saved and healed. We were positively surprised to receive emails from our website from many people who were touched during the course of these meetings, sharing their testimonies.One of the highlights over the years of my trips here is the Zulu dancers. Once again I enjoyed watching them do prophetic acts of warfare while they were dancing at the church. You had to see it, it was awesome. We enjoyed our fellowship with the pastors and different staff members. They were so gracious to us.

Picture 1: Miracle service at the Jesus dome in Durban, many were saved and healed

Picture 2: Miracle service in Zulu church in Durban.

From Durban we went to Port Elizabeth where we had 3 meetings. So many people responded to the altar call to get saved on Sunday morning there were not enough workers to help handle the altar calls.Other leaders of the church had to volunteer to pray and talk with the people. We loved every moment of our time in Port Elizabeth. We spent a lot of quality time with all our friends. This was also Ilke’s welcoming as many of our friends could not travel to the USA for our wedding.

Picture 3: Miracle service in Port Elizabeth.

This Friday we will be leaving for Swaziland. We were told that our host, Pastor Dhlamini, has one of the largest tents in the southern hemisphere. We are looking forward to a tremendous time in the Lord. We will be ministering from Friday to Sunday. Please pray for souls to be saved, for the word to be confirmed with signs and wonders and for safe travel as we fly to Swaziland on Friday.

From Swaziland we will be going to Belgium for couple of days before we start a very busy schedule with 3 weeks of conferences in Northern Europe.

Many blessings,
Ilke & Guy