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News Update: Germany Report - April 2007

Dear Friends

Shalom from Germany!

We want to thank you for your prayer support.

What a powerful time we had in Wiehl, Germany. We arrived here on Thursday last week by train from Belgium.

We started a series of meetings on Friday night. The vision of our ministry is to equip the saints and train them in the supernatural. That is exactly what we have been doing on these trips. The meetings were filled with God's power. We were blessed to see that the German people responded to the power of God in a beautiful way.

This is our 3rd ministry trip in this region of Germany. I can say that this was the best of all. People responded very well to the anointing in every meeting. There was such a strong operation of the gifts of the Spirit with the word of knowledge and the prophetic gift. Many people responded to get right with God and there was really a special connection with the people here. Many of them were sad that we were leaving and wanted us to come back to their country more than just once a year. At this point some doors are opening for us to return here next year for 1 month to do a tour around Germany. We are really looking forward to that.

Picture 1: Miracle service in Christ for all, Germany

Picture 2: Guy had several words of knowledge about people being healed and touched by the Lord. So many responded, the line went from one corner of the church building to the other. Many were instantly healed.

We also did a teaching for leaders on Saturday afternoon on the divine mandate of God on the end time and the release of the Spirit of Elijah.

In our last meeting the power of God was moving so strongly that I didn't get to really preach, but just flow in the Spirit and move in the gifts of the Spirit.

We were overwhelmed to see that so many people were healed and touched by God without us laying hands on them. Praise God! 26 people came and testified about the power of God in their lives. The healings that took place included: healing of the hip, knees, backs, fibromyalgia, ringing ear, depression and many more.

A teenager who had pain in his knee suddenly came crying to his father (who is the associate pastor of the church) in the middle of the service because his knee was healed. Glory to God!

Next week we will be ministering in Holland. Pray for a move of the Holy Spirit in the nation of Holland, for souls to be added to the Kingdom and for God's will to be done in the meetings we will have. Pray also for safe travel.

Picture 3: Miracle moments, 26 people testified of being healed of different kind of sicknesses or diseases during the series of meetings we had. To God be the glory!

Many blessings,
Guy & Ilke