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News Update: England & Holland - April 2007

Dear Friends,

Thanks for your friendship and your support.

For the last 4 weeks we have been ministering in central Europe (England, Germany and Holland) with a tremendous outpouring of God's Spirit in each meeting. I feel really encouraged by the things the Lord has done in the last few weeks.

Thank you Lord for showing yourself strong.

Thank you to all of you that are praying for us. We recognize that your prayers influence the great result that we have been having. We had an outbreak of healing and manifestation of God's power everywhere we have ministered in the last 4 weeks.

Picture 1: Miracle service in Familekerk Holland

Picture 2: Altar call in Holland

Picture 3: Meeting at Living Spring International Church in London England

Since we wrote you last from Germany we have ministered in Holland and England. In Holland we had a very anointed meeting. Many people were touched by the power of God. The manifested presence of God was so strong, many were touched and healed. A great door is opening for us in Holland for a miracle crusade next year. We are looking forward to our return in Holland. We also had a good time of fellowship with the pastors.

From Holland we went to England where we ministered this past weekend. We arrived in England 2 days before the meeting. Ilke and I spent some quality time together resting and recharging. We felt really refreshed.

The meeting at Livingspring International Church was dynamic - again God showed himself strong. Many raised their hand to testify that they received a healing or a touch of God.

Keep us in your prayers. On Thursday May 3rd we are starting Mission Africa.

Many blessings,
Ilke & Guy