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Swaziland Report - May 2007

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Swaziland, Sambonani ninjani!

Since we wrote you last, we flew from South Africa to Swaziland, a little country in the south part of Africa. Swaziland has a population of 1 million people of which 38% is HIV positive and 80,000 kids are orphans.

Picture 1: Miracle service in Manzini, Swaziland

After a long delay of our plane, we arrived here Friday on May 18th. We didn't really know what to expect - our host, pastor Jeremiah, has one of the largest tent in the southern hemisphere and the largest church in Swaziland. His ministry has national impact. He's well connected with the king of Swaziland, the prime minister and members of the cabinet in the government.

As we got out of the plane, a protocol team was waiting for us on the ground and gave us one of the greatest welcomes we have ever had in the history of our travel in 34 nations around the world. We didn't even have to go trough immigration or pick up our luggage. They took us straight to a VIP lounge at the airport where members of the royal family were waiting for us with flowers and a great sound of welcome. From the airport we were taken to church with an escort provided by the king. The princess was our chaperone. She and her entourage took us around and took care of us during our entire stay in Swaziland.

Before we arrived in the country our miracle moment DVD was played both on national secular and Christian television.

Picture 2: Altar call

Picture 3: The lame walk!

We began a series of meetings that I couldn't really describe with words. People came from around the country and even from South Africa. The big giant tent was packed. There were so many sick people in every meeting. I preached a simple gospel message every night on the blood, the cross and the authority of the believer. God confirmed the word with signs and wonders: tumors disappeared, the deaf heard, the lame walked, many people were healed of different kinds of diseases. We couldn't even take all the testimonies because there were so many in every meeting. So many people were saved in each meeting. Members of the royal family attended the meetings as well as cabinet members and ministers of the government. We give God all the glory!

Swazi TV and the Christian TV came to cover the meetings. At the conclusion of the meetings I, Guy, was given an interview and an opportunity to give a message to the nation. The interview and the message was broadcast on the national news.

Picture 4: Miracle service

God really opened the door for us in this nation. At this point we have been invited to come back next year to do a national crusade in one of the stadiums in the nation and to minister to pastors and to the parliament. We are looking forward to our return in this nation next year. Please pray for Swaziland. On our prayer network we are doing a special emphasis at the end of this week for the people of Swaziland.

We are flying to Belgium tomorrow for a couple of days before we start mission Northern Europe. We will be main speakers at 4 major conferences in Finland. Let's believe God for revival in Finland.

Many blessings,
Ilke & Guy

Picture 5: Swazi TV interview

Picture 6: Crutches left behind! Trophies of God's glory.