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News update from Keuruu, Finland - June 2007



Dear friends:

"To every person comes a special moment in their lives where they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and given the opportunity to do something that is unique to them and fits their talent." (Winston Churchill)

We are just amazed and thankful to God for giving us the opportunity to speak to the national gathering of Pentecostal churches in Finland. The conference was attended by 30,000 people from around the nation and other nations.

I was given an invitation to do an evangelistic service and to speak on the influence of media in our society in an other meeting.

The services were charged with God's power. On the evangelistic night I preached a message entitled: "This Beloved Gospel".  The message was a very strong challenge - TO BELIEVERS to evangelize and reach the lost and TO THE LOST to get saved.

Many responded to the altar call to give their life to Jesus. Thousands of sick people came forward to get healed. Many testified to us of being healed during the meeting. Many believers were encouraged. The leaders of the Pentecostal church said that this message shook their churches and also have told us that we are welcome to work with them next year.

Picture 1: Evangelistic service in Keuruu, Finland.

Picture 2: Altar call.

Picture 3: Guy preaching and challenging people to share the beloved Gospel.

This meeting was broadcast live on national radio and on the Internet. The leaders also asked my permission to put it on TV7, the national Christian television station in Finland.

We want to thank God for bringing the vision to reach this nation to come to pass. Five years ago when I received the call to come to this country, I didn't know anybody. Over the last years I had some challenges trying to preach the gospel in this nation but I thank God who always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus. At this point God has given us a national platform in this nation. Next year doors have opened for us to come and do regional conferences around the country where groups of churches will join together in different parts of the country.

I want to thank you intercessors in the prayer shield network and those that love us and pray for us and all our friends.

Special thanks to Ari our coordinator in Finland, pastor Martti, pastor Jarmo. They have been very instrumental for our ministry in Finland.

We want to thank God and give Him ALL the glory.

Next month we will be in Estonia and Russia, please keep us in your prayers and we appreciate any financial support.

Many blessings,
Ilke & Guy

Picture 4: Pentecostal gathering in Finland