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Report from Finland - June 2007

Dear Friends,

The power to change the world is in the generations set in order by the teachings of apostolic leadership that gives to the generation a sense of historical purpose and destiny, which will cause the generation to answer the call.

For the last three weeks, we have been doing a series of conferences in the nation of Finland. We have been working in this nation for the last five years we feel like this year has been a year of breakthrough for the vision that the Lord gave us five years ago. Great doors have opened for us to impact this generation with the message of the gospel.

Since we wrote you last from our great mission trip in Swaziland, we began our conference tour at the Pentecostal church in Seineijoki. This church has been in revival for the last couple of years and is very influential in the body of Christ in Finland. The theme of the conference was 'Vision of God'. The conference was very well attended by different believers and leaders from different churches.

Picture 1: Ilke speaking at 'Woman you are precious' conference, Seineijoki

Picture 2: Mission Jarviseutu

Picture 3: Conference in Tampere

Picture 4: Youth Rally Seineijoki Finland

I can really see the impact of God in these meetings on 4 levels. We had 12 meetings in 4 days where we ministered to believers in the general meetings, to pastors, leaders and church workers in a leadership meeting, to youth in a youth rally and Ilke did a 'Woman You Are Precious' conference. Words are not enough to describe to you what happened - the Holy Spirit moved powerfully. The senior pastor told me personally that this conference shook the people and that it was awesome to see that. Many were healed, restored and others were encouraged to keep reaching forward in God.

From Seineijoki we went to Tampere. This conference was very unique and very special because several churches came together from different denominations (the Pentecostal church, the Free church, the Baptist church, and the Methodist church).

During the course of this 3 day conference, the anointing was so strong and the power of God was present to heal, set the captives free and many gave their lives to Jesus. We are very blessed by God to minister in this city because this city is known as one of the most secular cities in the nation of Finland. At this point bigger doors are opening for us to come back to the city next year for a greater conference.From Tampere we went to Jarveseutu where 6 churches came together for a conference. The emphasis of these meetings was teaching believers how to operate in the miraculous. We had some incredible meetings. Ilke had a 'Woman You Are Precious' conference here too and we had 2 youth rallies beside the other meetings. Great things really happened here - many were touched and healed. At this moment the leaders want to work with us in the future.

Next week we will be going to a very big event in the Pentecostal church. The attendance will be between 20,000 and 30,000 people.  All the churches will be coming together and I will be one of the main speakers for the conference. On Friday evening I will be speaking. This meeting will have an emphasis on evangelism and will be broadcast nationally on radio, as it is the vision of this meeting to reach the lost. Keep us in your prayers. We will give you an update next week.

Many blessings,
Ilke & Guy