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News update from Estonia - July 2007

Dear Friends

Greetings from the nation of Estonia.

Since we wrote you last after our great trip in Finland, we went back to the USA to minister at Mark Hankins Camp Meeting. It was really a special time for us. Then we turned around and left for Estonia and Russia.

Estonia was a nation that was formally part of the USSR till 1992. Everywhere you can still see the mark of communism with old abundant buildings. The Estonian people are so precious, kind and open. In the 2 weeks we spent here we ministered literally around the country.

Picture 1: Supernatural conference on the Russian border in Narva Estonia, many were trained how to operate in the supernatural.

Picture 2: Revival meeting in the cultural center of Keurressare in the Saarema Island, many were saved, touched and healed.

Picture 3: Many were touched while Ilke was speaking at the Keurressare conference.

We began our ministry tour in Narva. Narva is a city located at the Russian border. From our hotel we could see Russia - it was within walking distance. 90% of the city’s population is made up of Russians. Three churches came together. We had a 3 day conference where we trained saints and leaders how to operate in the supernatural. Many were touched by the power of God and many were saved. The meetings in Narva were broadcast on Russian and Estonian TV.

From Narva we went to the island of Saaremaa. We ministered in the city of Kurresaare. This was a very unique situation. The Baptist, Lutheran and Pentecostal church came together. I was interviewed on the secular radio, Raadio Kapi, were I had a great exchange with the journalist and preached the gospel with power to the surprise of the journalist. At the end the journalist asked me “so the only thing I have to do is believe?”

Our first meeting in the city hall was packed. The other 2 meetings were in the Baptist church. People came from all around the Island. The meetings were broadcast live on the Internet and Christian radio - Peere Radio, where I also did a long interview. On the first meeting there were so many people on line from Estonia, Finland, Sweden, USA, etc., the men running the broadcast said that they never had so many viewers on the Internet. One night there were so many viewers that the system collapsed for a while. The meetings were filled with God's power. Many were healed as I operated in the word of knowledge. Many were touched when Ilke spoke on forgiveness. We received many reports on our website about the impact of this conference. The leaders were very happy and said it was one of the best.

From the Island we traveled to Paide where we made history. We were told in 700 years this never happened in the city. All the churches came together - Baptist, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Methodist and Charismatic Christians - for 5 open air meetings. The Lutheran priest testified that listening to me preach was like going back to seminary. He was there standing with his long robe and Bible. At the end we prayed for all the pastors. Many were touched by God’s power.

From Paide we went to a camping ground close to the Baltic Sea were all the Pentecostal churches of Estonia came together. While I was preaching in this open air event it began to rain. It was amazing to see the hunger of the people. They refused to leave even though the rain was coming down so hard. I was completely wet but kept preaching the word. The anointing of God was so strong. People were screaming while I was preaching. Many were touched and healed, falling in the mud under the power of God.

Picture 4: Historical open air meeting meeting in Paide.

Picture 5: Guy is praying for the pastors that worked together to organize the open air meetings in Paide. For 700 years all the churches in this city had never worked together.

From the campground we went to Tartu. The second largest city in Estonia. God moved powerfully. There is great potential here for a great conference next year. We also went to a small city and had a special meeting in Peule.

We want to thanks all our intercessors, friends and partners. We preached all over Estonia and our trip was very successful. We couldn't have done it without your prayer and support.

Today we are leaving for St Petersburg. We will be speaking at the largest church in St. Petersburg. We will begin our meetings with an all night prayer. Our meetings on Sunday will be broadcast on Russian TV. We will give you a report later of what the Lord has done.

Keep reaching forward in Him.

Many blessings,
Ilke & Guy