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St Petersburg, Russia - August 2007

Dear Friends:

Since we wrote you last from Estonia, we flew to St. Petersburg, Russia. St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The people of Russia are very precious and kind. The pastor was very gracious and hospitable to us. Pastor Dmtry Shatrov is a 4th generation pastor with a great heritage. He is a man on a mission with a sense of urgency to reach his generation.

From what we learned, at this time Russia is in a very important moment in their destiny. We were speaking at the largest Pentecostal church in St. Petersburg. This church has a national influence through their daily television broadcast. They are very much involved in reaching their city for God. The congregation meets in three different locations.

Picture 1: Guy speaking at the largest pentecostal church in St Petersburg Russia.

Picture 2: Senior pastor Dmitry Shatrov translating Guy.

Picture 3: All night prayer.

Picture 4: Ilke encouraging the saints in St Petersburg Russia

Picture 5: Our nationally televised meeting in St Peterburg Russia.


We began our ministry time with an all night prayer on Friday night. I spoke on revival before leading the church into prophetic declaration, warfare and intercession. The power of God moved. I was so energized - there was a strong anointing of intercession.

On Saturday we had a healing service. The Spirit of God moved strongly and many were touched.

On Sunday we had two services of which one was televised. I was operating in the word of knowledge and many were touched. Ilke also spoke and encouraged the saints. The people were so grateful and thankful that we came. We were touched in our hearts by what God is doing in that city and we pray that God will continue to expand their influence. The people of St. Petersburg have a special place in our heart.

We give God all the glory for what He did in Russia and Estonia.

Many blessings,
Ilke & Guy