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News Update Hong Kong - April 2012

Dear Friends

Greetings from China.

We just finished an awesome time of ministry in Hong Kong.  We preached at the Praise Assembly last Saturday and at the Vine Church on Easter. We spoke at the ‘Fire Conference’ organized by the Full Gospel Business Men. We had a great time of ministry.  During the course of these services, many responded to give their life to Jesus and many were touched by God.  At the ‘Fire Conference’, the ministry of the Word was mainly focused on market place ministry, with messages on biblical economics, to empower business people. Many business people testified of being blessed and encouraged.

We also enjoyed a great time of fellowship with all our friends and brothers in Hong Kong.

We are currently in China; we will be ministering in Shenzhen and Shanghai.  Please keep us in your prayer this week.

Here’s a message to encourage your faith and vision:

Experts are often wrong when they don't know God. 

The people who second-guess others usually do so because they are peering hard at their performance in the present without considering the potential of the person that is speaking. If we have learned anything from history it should be that we should ration the use of the word “never”. We should be careful when we say something can't be done. We shouldn't doubt the possibilities that exist for any person who sets his mind on a goal and decides to pursue it with everything he has within him. Many of the people who set out to achieve a personal goal do so because they bring a controlled passion to their quest. It is a passion fueled by the spirit of God, controlled by his hand, and protected by his divine power. Children of God should turn deaf ears to those who tell them that they can never achieve their goals because they know what the Word of God says. They know beyond the shadow of a doubt that if they seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness that all other things will be added unto them. If God has spoken it, and God has empowered it, it shall be so. As Christians, we are confident in our belief that if God has blessed our aspirations and has spoken it into being, His word will not return to him void. That which God has prepared for us can only slip through our fingers if we've failed to prepare ourselves to receive what he has given.  But when preparation meets opportunities, destiny is born. History is filled with errors of the experts. In 1932 Albert Einstein dismissed the idea of nuclear energy because mankind would never be able to split the atom at will. Three days before the bombing of Pearl Harbor the Secretary of the Navy announced to the nation, the U.S. Navy would never be caught napping. Just before he fired him in 1954, a concert promoter told a young man with guitar that he should go back to driving a truck. He had just fired Elvis Presley. Their teachers said they would never amount to anything because all they did was play in their garage. The two boys they talked about were Steve Jobs and Bill Gates who founded Apple and Microsoft respectively.  The point is very clear. When it comes to your future, no one should be allowed to place limits on how far you can go. The sky is not even the limit, for beyond the sky there is the moon and the galaxies.  If anyone tells you that what you are trying to accomplish can't be done, don't be intimidated by them. You and God can do anything!  Today, approach the challenges before you, knowing that God is backing you up and that His will must be done. Be bold today! Be bold! 

Love and every blessing,

Guy & Ilke