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News Update China - April 2012

Dear Friends

Greetings from Taipei, Taiwan.

We just finished an amazing 10 days of ministry in China - Shenzhen and Shanghai.  We did a variety of ministry which included ministering to business men and women in the market place, miracle services and special meetings.

We had a very adventurous trip from Shenzhen to Shanghai. Last Friday after a great time in Shenzhen with friends and pastors, we left for the airport and when we got there they told us that all flights to Shanghai were cancelled.  That night we were scheduled to meet with pastors in Shanghai and the next morning Ilke was scheduled to speak twice to business women with IEsther and I was scheduled to speak twice to business men.  We decided to book another ticket to Hanghzough, a city 3 hours from Shanghai so that we would arrive that same day in Shanghai.  We boarded our plane with a slight delay.  When we got on the plane, we were stuck on the tarmac for 6 hours. After waiting for many hours, while on the tarmac, one passenger wanted to beat up the pilot and this created lots of commotion on the plane with other passengers trying to stop him and passengers fighting.  Once we were ready to leave, a pregnant woman didn’t feel well and needed to get out of the plane which delayed us even further.  We finally were able to take off and arrived in Hanghzough at 1 am.  Then we drove with the help of 2 brothers from that city to Shanghai and arrived there after 3 am.  By the time we checked in the hotel it was 3.30 am and only got to sleep 3 hours. 

When we saw how God moved in the meetings and how many people were touched, we understood why there was so much resistance.  The meetings were packed; the presence of God was strong; the altars were full with people getting their life right with God and getting saved.  God moved as we prayed for the sick and ministered prophetically.

One of the many things that encouraged us was one woman that approached me after the service said that she was going to divorce her husband this week, but after hearing my message she was not going to divorce him.

We are encouraged by the faith, passion and vision of our brothers and sisters for the Kingdom of God in China.

We give God all the glory!

We have invitations to come back next year and are looking forward to it.

Special thanks to our friends Hugo, Henry, Vincent and Desmond who facilitated our trip and made it successful.

We want to thank all our intercessors and financial partners.

We are excited to see what God is going to do here in Taiwan.

There was a little boy who was tugging at a big rock and doing his best to lift it.  He was grunting and pulling at it but it didn’t budge.  His father came along and asked him if he was having any trouble.  He said, “Yes, I am trying and trying and can’t move the rock.”  The father said to him, “Well, son, are you using all available energy?”  The boy replied, “Yes, Father, I think I am.”  Then the dad looked at him and said, “No, son, I don’t think you are, for you haven’t asked for my help.” 

Do you have ‘rocks’ in your life that need to be removed?  Are you discovering that you don’t have what it takes to lift them?  God is always available to us and willing to give us the strength we need to overcome obstacles and to accomplish great things for Him.  “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”  Psalm 46: 1  “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks, finds; and he the knocks it shall be opened.” Matthew 7 : 7 – 8

Love and every blessing,

Guy & Ilke