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News Update India - March 2012

Dear friends

We had a blast in India and just arrived in Hong Kong.

We wish you a very blessed Easter weekend.  As we celebrate His resurrection power, remember that He has given you the power to live a victorious life and see your dreams and vision come to pass.

We just finished an amazing series of miracle services in Nagaland, India.  Our time of ministry here was so rich; so many people gave their life to Jesus every night.  The Holy Spirit revealed himself through the gifts of the Holy Spirit that were strongly in operation every night (words of knowledge, prophecy, working of miracles,…) and God confirmed His Word with different kind of miracles.

One of the person’s that attended the meetings posted this comment on Facebook, encouraging others to come to the meetings:

We have all heard of miracles happen... we have all heard testimonies of God's doings!!! But man... never have I seen such miracles happen in front of my very eyes! People got healed tonight!!! CANCER got healed! A lame boy who couldn't even get out of his bed for years walked around the stage for the Glory of God!!! Backaches, chest pain, throat problems, skin diseases all healed in no time! It was amazing! Thank God for sending such appointed people to us!!! Last meeting with Guy and Ilke Peh tomorrow! Timings: 1Oam and!!! Be there if you want miracles to happen in your life! God won't always create such opportunities for us! Be there people! It is worth it! from : Theja Suokhrie

On Sunday night the attendance broke all the previous records. The hallways, and aisles were full of people that came hungry for a touch of God.  Pastor John Roughton felt led by the Lord to extend the crusade by 1 more night.  Our time of ministry here also included teaching at the bible school, we did a total of 15 meetings in 5 days of which 8 were in the Bible school and the other 7 were part of the miracle crusade at the church.

I, Guy, celebrated my birthday here, preaching the Word and seeing lives changed.  It was a very rewarding time.

We look forward to our time here again next year.

We want to thank all our friends, financial partners and prayer partners.  We couldn’t have done it without you!  Thanks!

Our next assignment is here in Hong Kong.  We will be speaking at the Fire Conference organized by the Full Gospel Business Men. After Hong Kong we will be in 2 cities in mainland China.

Love and every blessing,

Guy & Ilke