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Mission USA 2012

Dear friends,

We are on our way to Nagaland, India.  We are starting a 5 weeks tour in Asia.

For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.    ~ 2 Timothy 1 : 7

If you are to succeed in life you must learn to face your fears.  Everyone has fears.  Whether or not you have fears is not the question.  Whether your fears control you is the question!  A brave man is not one who does not have fear, but one who can do the right thing in the face of fear.

Young graduates are in the same situation as young Timothy of this text. You have always been in the company of a great teacher whether it is at home or at school. Now you are graduating to another level. There will be fears. It is natural, but don’t let your fears control you.

A recent study at a prominent university made a startling discovery about how fear controls our actions. In a class, 10 students were selected to participate. Nine knew they were participants, the other did not. Two lines were drawn on a black board, one shorter than the other. Each student was told to identify the shortest line. One by one, each of the nine students did as they were instructed. They picked the short line and said it was the longest.    The 10th person knew they had picked the wrong line but since they all seemed very confident in their answer, he also picked the short line as the longest. He was afraid to be different from the rest. Henry David Thoreau, a slave abolitionist, challenged a generation of young minds when he told the world that he marched to the beat of a different drum. He did not want to do things just because everyone else did it; but listened to a cadence set by a distant conductor. It meant he had to be courageous enough to face his fears and do the right thing. This may mean refusing to participate in activities that clearly violate your principles. This may mean supporting that which your mind tells you is best, even if the crowd goes the opposite way.  This may mean reaching inside yourself for an inner strength to face the enemies of life, even though you are afraid.  God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and strength. Prepare, think it through, seek spiritual guidance, then stick to your guns, come what may!  Take a stand for what you believe!  Fear not!  There are 365, ‘fear not’ phrases in the Bible, - 1 for every day.  I want to encourage you today wherever you are, whatever decision you have to make, whatever situation you find yourself into: Fear Not!

Have not I commanded you? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be you dismayed: for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.   ~ Joshua 1 : 9

Excerpt from my message the fear factor.

The last 3 months, Ilke and I have been traveling in the USA doing miracle services, women’s conferences, training seminars, evangelistic outreaches and church services.  We were in 15 cities: Katy, TX – Vidor, TX – Pittsburgh, CA – Stockton, CA – Roseville, CA – Sacramento, CA -  Willows, CA – San Francisco, CA – Raleigh, NC – Rowlett, TX – Millersburg, OH – Dover, OH – Canton, OH – Lafayette, LA – Nashville, TN.  All over the USA we enjoyed seeing the power of God touch lives, heal the sick, restore broken hearts, set the captives free and many giving their life to Jesus.  We had a blast ministering to people in the USA.  We believe that God is reviving America; many people are hungry for God and His Word.  The meetings were very well attended and so fruitful.  It’s encouraging to see so many hungry believers and pastors.

We are starting an international tour in Asia for the next 5 weeks we will be ministering in India, Hong Kong, China and Taiwan.  Many of these places are new cities, and countries where we have never been.  We are expecting a great harvest and are anticipating a great move of God with souls being saved, many miracles, signs, wonders and revival in Asia.

We thank God for all our financial partners, if the Lord leads you, your financial support is welcome to help preach the Gospel around the world.

We thank God for our prayer partners, please keep us in your prayers.

Love and every blessing!

Guy & Ilke