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News Update Taiwan - May 2012

Dear Friends

We just got home from an awesome time of ministry in Taiwan, which concluded 4 weeks of awesome ministry in India, Hong Kong and China.

On Monday we are leaving for Belgium and next weekend we will be speaking at ‘Your Kingdom Come’ Conference - a conference that will bring 12 churches together.

We started our ministry in Taiwan at Dong Seng Sang  TV Group - San TV company in Taipei.  This TV company brought the CEO, executives and workers together for a miracle service in their work place at the conference room.  They wanted to see the power of God transform their company.  Many unsaved workers gave their heart to Jesus and many were healed.  We also had a private prayer time and time of ministry with the head of the company, a very well-known business man in Taiwan; his ears were instantly healed after prayer.  It’s great to see that some business people have a vision to see God move in the market place and in their companies.

We also did a market place conference where I taught on Kingdom Economics teaching people how to be successful by applying Kingdom principles.

During our time in Taiwan we also ministered at ‘House of Prayer’ in Taiwan where we taught on how to change the spiritual atmosphere.

We had a fantastic time with the native Taiwanese at Glory Mission Church in Tao Yuan. This church is very hungry and God did many miracles.  We really love this church and the pastors.  We look forward to doing a big youth conference with them in October this year.

We also enjoyed ministering at the 101 Church, a church located in the highest tower in Taipei, Taiwan.  This church is reaching a lot of influential people.  We enjoyed visiting with Pastor Gordon and his wife.  They have a passion for their nation.  Special thanks to our friend Vincent for making this happen.

In one of our meetings there was a young lady that was 5 months pregnant that was planning to do an abortion the next day.  After Ilke talked to her and prayed for her, she changed her mind and came to the meeting the next day instead of going to the abortion doctor.  We praise God for saving the life of this precious baby.

We specially want to thank Daphne and Mary for helping facilitate this trip to Taiwan.

This time in Asia was very strategic as we met a lot of good people and new friends and great doors are opening in the region for future times of ministry.

We give God all the glory and thank all our intercessors and partners.

What God does once, He can do again.

Have you ever accomplished a task once but found it hard to do it again? There are occasions when just the right combination of skill and grace coincide to produce the perfect outcome. These are times when we bake the perfect pound cake, or cook the perfect pot of greens.  It's the day that the dressing is perfect or the flowers planted in the spring sprout perfectly. There are years when the school football team seems unbeatable, playing successive games without a flaw, straight to the championships. How did you fare when you tried to do the same thing again? If you are like most people, you found that perfection, while possible, is hard to duplicate. Although Michael Jordan could sail through the air, there were games when he simply just couldn't put it together. The best singer can hit a flat note on occasion and the best figure skaters slip on the ice while performing the simplest routines. Many can manage the effort necessary to accomplish a feat the first time but they have trouble doing it again. In Malachi 3 : 6, God reminded the sons of Jacob that, "I am the Lord and I change not!" What God did then he can do again! Not only can he do it again, but he can do it in a grander, more miraculous way than he did in the beginning. As believers, we are confident that God's power does not dwindle like a drained battery. We believe his power is a never ending flow that ebbs from the battlements of heaven to the edges of every known universe. Whatever God has done once, he can do again.    Today, as you face new challenges, remember God has helped you before. He will do it again. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Heb. 13 : 8

Continue to reach forward in Him!

Love and every blessing,

Guy & Ilke