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News Update Europe: England, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania and Belgium - April 2013

Dear Friends

Greetings from Nagaland, India.

Our world tour continues … the next few weeks we will be traveling in Asia (India, Hong Kong, China and Taiwan).

We just finished an amazing tour in Europe.  The last month we were in England, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia and Belgium.

We started our European tour with a ‘Signs and Wonders’ conference in Bristol, England. It was amazing; the Lord touched many, including a man that was deaf for over 30 years.  Jesus opened both of his ears after prayer.  We enjoyed our time with pastor Gerri and Michelle. During our time in Bristol, we also got to visit some historical sites of church history. We visited the house of George Muller. The Muller’s Home for Children took care of 10,000 orphans.  We also went to the John Wesley’s chapel.  John Wesley said: ‘the world is my parish’.  He traveled over 250,000 miles on horseback preaching the gospel.  We also went to Hanham Mount, a special site where open air meetings started in the UK.  John Wesley, George Whitfield and John Cennick preached there.  It was very inspiring and faith stirring.

On Easter weekend we preached in Germany with our good friends at the House of Solutions.  We love this church.  So many hungry people- full of passion for God! There was truly an explosion on Easter Sunday; the power of God touched many.

After Germany, we went to the Baltic States.  We started in Lithuania, where we did a school of Signs and Wonders.  It was so good to see pastors from different cities in Lithuania and Russia.  Jesus healed a woman that was deaf during the meetings.


We had a great time teaching on faith in Ventspils.  We always enjoy our time with our good friends pastor Maris and Martha and their family.  Jesus did many great miracles in Ventspils, the blind saw, the deaf heard,…  After Ventspils, we preached in a city called Talsi.  The building was so packed that people had to stand in the hallway of the church to hear the message.  We were blessed to see such hunger.  We also spoke at a youth rally in Bauska.  Youth from different churches came together.  So many young people were filled with the Holy Spirit.

We had a fabulous time at Priekavests church in Riga.  We always enjoy our time of ministry there.  Good friends, great church.  We spoke at the ‘Breakthough Conference’.  Ilke had a wonderful women’s event.  Many ladies were touched by God’s power.

We concluded our time in Europe last weekend with an amazing conference that brought 11 churches together from West Flanders in Belgium.  We have been doing this conference the last 3 years.  It’s amazing to see what God is doing.  We are grateful to all the pastors and all those that worked so hard to make this event happen.   It’s amazing to see what God can do when the Body of Christ comes together.  On Sunday morning all the churches joined together for 1 big service.

God has been so good on this tour.  So many lives were touched and so many miracles took place!  Awesome God!

We couldn’t have done it without all your prayers and support.  These victories are your victories!  Thanks for standing and helping us reach the nations!

Continue to reach forward in Him!

Love and blessings!

Guy & Ilke