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Miracles, Signs and Wonders in the USA!

Dear Friends:

Today we are starting a 2.5 months ministry tour in 9 nations on 2 continents.  We will be in the UK, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Belgium, India, Hong Kong, China and Taiwan.  We appreciate all your prayers and support.

The last few weeks have been amazing during our mission USA tour. We have seen an outpouring of the Holy Spirit with a great demonstration of God’s power, signs, wonders and miracles in America. Over 14 deaf people received their hearing back or their hearing restored.  The blind saw, tumors disappeared, many saved, restored and much more.  We are so blessed and encouraged to see God’s power moving like this in America.

To God be the Glory!

Here are some testimonies:

-   Blind eye opened:

Marsha wrote: “I could not see anything with my right eye.  It was blind. But after prayer I can see through that right eye. God is amazing!” 

-   Deaf ear opened and lump in breast disappeared:

Diane wrote: “I had nerve deafness in both of my ears.  I wore hearing aids in both ears.  I could not hear without them. I have had nerve deafness for over 10 years. God healed my ears during the service on March 10th, 2013. Guy said the Lord was healing my ears and I believed it. I felt in my spirit that my ears were healed.  I took out my hearing aids and asked my husband to whisper to me and I could hear what he said. He said: I Love you!  After the service I went home and I also discovered that the lump on my breast had disappeared.  God is amazing.  Thank you Jesus!”

-   2 tumors disappeared:

James wrote: “I had 2 tumors and the 2 tumors disappeared after Dr. Guy Peh prayed for me in Dover, OH.  Jesus is the healer!”

-   Torn cartilage

Wanda wrote: “I had torn cartilage in my right knee.  It was very painful. I have no insurance and couldn’t do the surgery. After prayer I have no more pain and I am no longer limping. God also touched my ears and I can hear much better.  It’s amazing!  Thank you Jesus!”

-   Contusions to the bone:

“I want to thank the both of u for coming to New Life Church of God. I was healed of contusions to the bone on my left side my arm was in a sling.  I had a hard time trying to walk. I come back to church the next day without the sling and was able to move my entire body with no problem.  U 2 r an awesome team of God and hope to c you again! God bless u both!”  Jessa

-   Back and hip healed:

During one of the services in Dover, Ohio, I had a word of knowledge: I saw somebody falling of a horse, injuring their back. We prayed for Connie and here’s the testimony she send us later:

Connie wrote: “Guy and Ilke I am sorry I didn’t go up to testify about my healing but I was trying to serve and wasn’t sure what to do, so I wanted to tell you my back and hips are great! Not only did I fall off the horse but it actually reared over on me, thank-you so much for your obedience to our Most High God! I miss you 2 already.”

-   24 hour breakthrough

Lorraine wrote: “We got that 24 hour breakthrough you prayed for last time you were here: saw change of heart/attitude in our 19 year old daughter within 24 hours of that Sunday morning prayer! Thank you!!! Blessings!”

-   Cervical spine arthritis healed

John wrote: “I was diagnosed with cervical spine arthritis 2 years ago. I have been receiving epidural injections for the last year. After prayer I got warm all over and especially in my neck. My neck does not hurt any longer!  Praise God!”

-   Index finger healed

Sadina wrote: “I could not bend my index-finger after I injured it badly.  After Dr. Guy prayed for every part to be healed I was able to bend it all the way!  It was frozen for years, but no more!  I will be able to resume my guitar practice that I had to stop because of the injury to my finger. I can break the dust off it and get busy. Praise God!”

-   Shoulder and body pain healed

Beverly wrote: “I was having pain in my shoulder and all over my body and I am healed. I felt the power of God like electricity go all through my body as I was lying on the floor after prayer.  No more pain!  God is good!”

-   High Blood pressure healed

Gail wrote: “I had high blood pressure and I thank God for bringing my blood pressure back to the normal range!  Praise God!”

-   Miracle of transformation

Morgan wrote: “I was full of regret, hatred, evilness, brokenness, lust, negativity and everything you could imagine. After prayer God give me pure peace.  I can say I truly love… forgave my mother and father and forgave myself, those who hurt me and used me.  Praise God!”

People who attended the meetings wrote:

Jeanie wrote about the service Sunday night: “It was truly amazing!!! The Holy Spirit 'hi-jacked' the service, as Guy says! He just tossed his notes and let God move and move, He did! Leg grew, deaf healed, backs and so much more, and endowments of gifts were given! Wow! Still basking....”

Brandi wrote: “Powerful service tonight at Cathedral of Life with evangelists Guy Ilke Peh. Many people received healing, including my dear Cliff Johnson. I'm so thankful to be part of what the Father is doing in the earth today. He will work through anyone who will make themselves available for His glory.”

Hearing restored:

Billy wrote: “Miracles are still happening all over!!! I witnessed Diane’s hearing restored yesterday at my church!! I know Diane and her husband Darbey personally. Praise God!!”

To God be the Glory!

Picture 1: Jesus opened her ear!

Picture 2: Jesus opened this woman's blind eye!

Picture 3: Healed of deafness and lump in breast disappeared!

Picture 4: Many testified of being healed of different kind of sicknesses and diseases during a miracle service

We appreciate your partnership.  You can help us reach more people and change more lives through the Gospel of power with your partnership and giving.

Love and blessings

Guy & Ilke