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News update: Italy - Belgium - USA: January and February 2013

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Ohio!

The first 2 months of the year have been amazing to us.

We started the year with a great conference in Turin, Italy.  It was so cold but we had great meetings.  God moved powerfully.  We were so blessed to see so many people touched by the power of God. We ministered at a church that has 2 congregations, an Italian congregation and an international congregation.  It was good to see people in Italy going after God.  It was our first in Italy but it won’t be our last time.

From Italy we went to Belgium where we did a pastors round-table talk with senior pastors of different churches in West-Flanders, Belgium.  It’s a vision that the Lord put in my heart to bring leaders together to have open talks.  Communication clears misunderstanding.  We had an overwhelming great feedback from this round-table talk.  Many pastors were so grateful.  They said it was so needed and they requested to do it again.  Communication is the real work of leadership.

From Europe we flew back to the USA, where we started a ministry tour in Northern California, which is part of our mission USA.

We really enjoy ministering in Northern California as we feel a heart connection with different leaders and people in the region.

We ministered in 4 cities: Sacramento, Willows, Roseville and San Francisco.

Ilke ministered in Sacramento and Willows at special ladies events.

We enjoyed our time in Sacramento, where I did a ‘School of the Spirit’ in the mornings, teaching on ‘The Seer’.  In the evening we had Holy Ghost services.  We did a total of 9 meetings at the Lord’s Church.

From Sacramento we traveled to Roseville, where we ministered at Abundant Life Fellowship.  We had a super charged signs and wonders conference.  It was really awesome and powerful.  Many people were inspired, healed, saved, and many were filled with the Holy Spirit.  Even on the night of the Super Bowl we had a great crowd that came to the meetings.

From Roseville we went to Willows, a small town in Northern California. I taught on how to push the power of God in your direction.  We always enjoy our time in Willows.

From the small town of Willows we went to the big city of San Francisco.  Different churches came together for 3 days of meetings.  Lots of hungry people from different backgrounds: Chinese, Hispanics, Caucasians, African Americans, Europeans…    a melting pot of hungry people for God.  San Francisco is a city in America that really needs God.  We were so blessed to do some Holy Ghost meetings in that city and see the power of God move.

From California we came home and ministered at our home church here in Dallas.  Ilke preached an awesome message at a Scarlet special ladies event.  I preached Sunday morning on the supernatural and did a special training session on how to move in the gifts of the Spirit on Wednesday.

We just arrived in Ohio and will be ministering here in 3 cities. In 2 weeks we will start an international tour for 2.5 months in 10 nations in Europe and Asia.  Please keep this tour in your prayers.

We appreciate your prayers and financial support.

Love and blessings,

Guy & Ilke