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News Update: Belgium - Norway - The Netherlands

Dear Friends

Greetings from Ghana.

Our 12-nation tour in 2.5 months continues …

After our time in Asia last month, we flew to Europe for a ministry tour in Belgium, Norway and The Netherlands.

We started our ministry tour in Belgium with the ‘Love Conference’, - a platform that we used to minister to married couples and singles.  We ministered on a variety of topics such as: The Love of God, psychological differences between men and women, the role of a man and woman in marriage, how to fight for your marriage, and things that couples fight about.  In the afternoon the couples had a practical session where they went out to spend some quality time together, while Ilke and I were speaking to the singles about ‘being single and happy’, and how to manifest the 7 gifts that God gave to Adam as a single person. At the conclusion of the conference, we had a question and answer session. It was really an amazing day. 

Not only was the conference well attended, but the people that came were hungry and so happy to be there.  It was really a great time.  We could see the Spirit of God strengthening and ministering to families and to the people individually.  We received overwhelming positive feedback from different people who attended the conference.  The family is one of the most important institutions in the Church.  As the family goes, so goes the church.  If we have weak families, we will have weak churches, but if we have strong families, we will have strong churches.  It’s all about His love!

After the conference we ministered in Brugge, which is a famous city for tourists in Belgium.  We enjoyed our time with Pastors Nick and Anna and their family.

From Belgium, we flew to Norway. Upon arrival, after a quick stop at our hotel we went to record 3 television broadcasts for a TV-network that covers Norway and Sweden.  Our time on TV included a time of sharing about our ministry and what God is doing around the world.  After that, Ilke and I both did a preaching segment where we ministered in The Word and prayer.

That same evening we did a leadership training for pastors and church leaders in Frederikstad. The preaching was prophetic to the vision of the church as I preached on enlargement.

Our time in Frederikstad also included a time of training in the supernatural in the area of moving in the gift of the word of knowledge. It’s important for believers to be empowered for supernatural living.

We had a great time with Pastor Jan and Margareth and the elders of the church.  Great fellowship!  It was so good to see our friend Sigurd.

We also ministered at Filadelfia Pentecostal Church in Moss, Norway.

Last weekend we ministered in Rotterdam, The Netherlands at Levend Woord with pastors Gerard and Lydia De Groot.  We had a great time of fellowship with them and also a great time at the church.  It’s been an annual gathering the last few years.  We always have an amazing time.

After our time in Rotterdam, we enjoyed spending a day at ‘Foundation 4 Life’ Bible School, where I did a teaching and training on the authority of the believer.  Great to see hungry, young people, - precious students!

We just arrived in Ghana and will be preaching to pastors and ministers and speaking at a miracle rally.  We are expecting God to confirm his Word with miracles, signs and wonders.

After Ghana we will do a second part of our tour in Europe and complete our 12-nation tour.

We want to thank all our partners and intercessors.  We love y’all!

Continue to reach forward in Him!

Every blessing,

Guy & Ilke