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News Update South Africa: Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth, Durban and Cape Town – July 2012

Dear friends

Greetings from Manchester, UK.

We started our International trip in Belgium, where we ministered at a church in Ieper.  On the first leg of our trip from Dallas to Brussels Ilke’s luggage got lost in London.  It’s been over 1-1/2 month now and British Airways has not found it yet.  Please continue to pray that her bag will be found.

We just finished an amazing tour in South Africa in 4 cities: Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth, Durban and Cape Town. 

We started our ministry with the ‘I Believe In Miracles’ conference in Johannesburg with Kingdom Life Embassy.  The 3 meetings were full of God’s power and many lives were touched.  Ilke had an amazing women’s meeting, so many ladies, where so many ladies were touched.  We received a lot of feedback about the ladies meeting.  Our time in Johannesburg also included special strategy sessions with business leaders and ministry leaders where I discussed global strategies about advancing the Kingdom in the market place and the church and leadership development.  Kingdom Life has many dynamic leaders, full of potential.  Pastors Max and Zena are doing an amazing job.  We love them dearly and look forward to our ministry with them again next year.

After Johannesburg we went to Port Elizabeth.  It was a special time since we had not ministered there the last 2 years.  The meetings were full of the glory of God at both churches where we preached.  People were slain in the Spirit all over the building with no one laying hands on them.  The glory of God was amazing!  So many were touched, weeping, laughing under the glory of God,….  We also enjoyed our time with many of our friends and especially with our dear friends Philippe and Yvette.  We love them dearly. 

From Port Elizabeth we went to Durban.  Durban has been an annual experience for us.  We visited this city for the last 10 years.  We love the Durban Christian Center family and pastor John and Joy Torrens and Dr. Fred.  In the morning we preached at a Zulu church.  We had 2 powerful services.  We really enjoyed the Zulu dancers; they are always a special highlight for our South African trip.  We love to watch them dance and glorify God.  On Sunday night, I preached at the Jesus Dome, where I preached on ‘The good, the Bad and the Ugly’.  It was a great service; we love the atmosphere at the Jesus Dome. We always have amazing Holy Ghost services there.

From Durban we went to Cape Town, where many churches came together for the ‘Rethink Possible’ conference.  The conference was at 2 locations.  Ilke had an amazing ladies meeting on Saturday morning, the place was so packed. So many ladies were powerfully touched by the power of God.  On Saturday night, we had an awesome men’s meeting where I spoke about rejection, anger management and engaging lust.  The altar call was filled with men and there were a lot of manifestations.  On Sunday morning Ilke and I preached in different churches.  Ilke’s meeting was full of the glory; there was a great move of God.  Even though the meeting was dismissed, people didn’t want to go home-; they all came to the altar, many were weeping, and families were hugging.  The meeting lasted 4 - 1/2 hours.  We concluded the conference with a big meeting at Lighthouse.  It was so good to see so many pastors from different churches in the city.  We had a blast.  We believe that we will see the Lord do even greater things next year.  Special thanks to our friends Pastor Dean, Pastor Werner, Pastor Bertrand and Pastor Donovan and family for supporting and facilitating the event.  

We give God all the glory for what He did. We thank Him for His faithfulness and His grace.  He’s amazing! 

We love South Africa and look forward what the Lord is going to do next year.

We are in Manchester now and are looking forward to an amazing conference ‘Equip For Action’.  We love Pastors Joel and Evangeline and look forward to what the Lord is going to do. 

We thank all our partners and intercessors.  You are part of this great victory.  We love y’all!

Continue to reach forward in Him!

Every blessing,

Guy & Ilke