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News Update Taiwan - October 2012

Dear Friends

Greetings from Norway!

We just completed an amazing time of ministry in Taiwan, which concluded our tour in Asia.  On this tour we were in Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan.

We started our time of ministry with the Full Gospel Business Men where President Tony Tseng and his team organized an awesome conference - the theme was the ‘Holy Spirit’.  Men and women from the FGBMFM came from around Taiwan to learn more about the Holy Spirit.  It was amazing to see the hunger for more of the Holy Spirit from the leaders of the FGBMFM. They are really going after God.  They made our time so wonderful with their warm hospitality.  During this conference I was able to share on ‘the person of the Holy Spirit’, how to be led by the Holy Spirit while conducting business, the anointing, and how to get breakthroughs by being led by the Holy Spirit.  The meetings were charged with power and the altar calls were filled with men and women praying in tongues, wanting more of God.  Ilke did a special session with all the women about being led by the Spirit.  The women really enjoyed Ilke’s ministry.

On Sunday morning we spoke at the 101-Church located in the 101-Tower; one of the highest towers in the world.  This is a very special church, where people can come by invitation only.  Their vision is to reach the most influential people in Taiwan.  We were so blessed to see the level of hunger - people lingered a long time after the service was over to get prayed for.

From Taipei we went to Tao-Yen where we ministered to the first nation people of Taiwan, it was our second time there with them. They are locally called ‘indigenous’. They are the original people from Taiwan.

We started with a 2 day pastors and leaders seminar.  During the seminar I taught on leadership, financial management, how to prepare and preach a sermon and much more.  We were so blessed to see the hunger and the so many questions that they had.

On Wednesday morning I traveled to Tupon-Village in Nantou-State, a village close to the top of the highest mountain in Taiwan. There I ministered to other tribes from different villages in the region.  I also did a special training for indigenous pastors and church leaders.  In this mountainous region there are often typhoons and mudslides that have destroyed entire villages in the past.  The people there were so precious.  I enjoyed meeting many of them. 

During our time in Taiwan, I also got the chance to minister to people and share about the love of God in restaurants and other places.  I got to lead a restaurant owner and the waitresses at a Japanese restaurant to the Lord.

After being in the mountains for a few days, I went back to Tao-Yen where we had a great youth conference where I taught on engaging lust, anger management and being single and happy.

We are happy for the release of our book ‘You Too Can Be Used By God’ in Chinese.

We were also blessed on this trip to meet a lot of good people and we look forward to our future time of ministry in Taiwan.

Special thanks to Brother Vincent for allowing God to use him to bring us to strategic people and places.

We are excited about our time in Europe.  We ministered last weekend in Belgium and are ministering this weekend in Norway.  We just taped some TV-broadcasts in Norway and we are looking forward to an awesome time here this weekend.

We thank God for His protection, provision and faithfulness.

We thank God for our intercessors and financial partners.  We are in this together, changing the world for Christ together 1 person at a time.

Love and blessings,

Guy & Ilke