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News Update May 2013 - Asia: India - Hong Kong - China - Taiwan

Dear Friends

In the last two and a half months we finished an amazing world outreach in 12 nations.

We started our tour in Europe.  We were in England, Germany, France, Lithuania, Latvia and Belgium. From Europe we went to Asia. 


We started our Asian tour in Nagaland, India.  Nagaland is a state east of India close to Bangladesh, Burma and Bhutan. We started with a healing crusade in Dimapur.  More than 250 out of town delegates attended the 3 day healing crusade. The out of town delegates came from all over India, Bhutan, Burma and Nepal. Here’s what our host pastor John Roughton said in a report about the meetings: “The spiritual gift of the word of knowledge was manifest in practically every session, followed by miraculous healings. It was inspiring to see the supernatural in manifestation.”

Following our meeting in Dimapur, we traveled to the mountainous city of Kohima - the capital of Nagaland, for another 3-day miracle crusade.  By the last night, the rented town hall was filled to overflowing.  Every morning I did training on the supernatural. Each night we experienced a demonstration of the power of God with many receiving their healing. Pastor John shared this testimony: “The Lord revealed to brother Guy there was someone with a knee problem, something wrong with the cartilage. A woman in the crowd stood up to acknowledge she had that problem, and was instantly healed!“

We enjoyed our time with pastor John and Zhepitoli. We had lots of fun during our journey to Kohima. (adventurous driving through the mountains, waiting hours for food in the restaurant, electricity going out every so often, no internet, …)

Hong Kong

From India we flew to Hong Kong.  In Hong Kong we ministered at a Full Gospel Business Men’s banquet; many attending the banquet were not believers and many of them are high profile leaders of the city. Many of them gave their life to Jesus for the first time.

In Hong Kong, we also spoke at a pastors gathering called ‘Pastor, I love You!’  75 pastors attended the meeting. I spoke on: Turning Your Low Moments Into High Moments.

I also spoke to an M&M FGB meeting. I ministered on how to deal with criticism.  All the meetings had an overwhelming positive feedback.  Many were encouraged and enlightened by God’s Word.

It’s always so good to see and spend time with so many of our friends. Thanks to all, especially to Jimmy, Bill, Alex, Hugo and Robert.


From Hong Kong we flew to Shanghai, China where we ministered at some great churches.  God moved mightily and many were touched. Thanks to Desmond and his wife for facilitating our time in Shanghai.


From China we flew to Taiwan on Pentecostal weekend.  One hour after we landed we ministered at Taipei City Gospel Church - a church with many young people and many of them got filled with the Holy Spirit.

We also ministered at the Full Gospel Business Men’s special meeting. The theme of the meeting was ‘The Holy Spirit’. Many business-men were filled with the Holy Spirit after prayer.

From Taipei we went to Taoyen, Taiwan with our good friends pastors Eunoch and Cynthia at Glory Mission International. We started our time of ministry there with a special training for leaders where I taught on how to become a person of influence.  We also had a miracle service on Saturday night. Many people were touched and healed. On Pentecost Sunday, I preached on the Holy Spirit.  Hundreds were filled with the Holy Spirit that day.  Awesome God!

Somebody asked me the question: ‘What was the most outstanding thing about this tour?”

-   I think that the increase of God’s power in the meetings, which is seen with the increase of miracles, was so great.  Over 100 people have been healed the last few months with problems with their ears (deaf, half deaf, ringing in the ears,..) 

-   The great hunger from the different people groups around the world was great to see. 

-   The passion of pastors and leaders to reach their community and nation.

-   The faithfulness and mercy of God who was always there with us in every situation.

We will be ministering in the USA in June.  In July we start another international tour in Europe and Africa.

Thanks to all our partners!  We could not have done this without your financial support.  These victories are your victories and these fruits are your fruits.

Thanks for all the prayers!  We really needed them and felt them on this trip. We could not have done it without you. We love y’all!

Continue to reach forward in Him!

Love and blessings!

Guy & Ilke