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News Update: Mission Africa and Europe - July and August 2013

Dear Friends,

Live in the Solution, Not the Problem

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a newending.”

Never build your future around your past.

A person cannot directly choose his circumstances, but he can choose his thoughts, and so indirectly, yet surely, shape his circumstances.

Proverbs 23 : 7a says ‘For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.’

I once read the story of 2 brothers who were twins. One grows up to be an alcoholic. The other became an extremely successful businessman. When the alcoholic is asked why he became a drunk, he replied, ‘My father was a drunk.’ When the successful businessman is asked why he became successful, he said, ‘My father was a drunk.’ Same background, very different choices!

“You’re either living in the problem or you’re living in the solution.”

You too can move beyond the scars of yesterday.  Stop talking about your limited education.  Quit complaining that everyone in your family is poor.  Stop repeating stories of those who failed you.  Stop pointing your finger at the economy.  Stop advertising your pain.  Stop meditating on your flaws.  Concentrate on your future. 

Excerpt from our new book ‘Success Orientation”.

We just finished an awesome tour in Africa and Europe.

We started our tour in Welwyn Garden City, England at Herts International Church.  I spoke at a men event and Ilke spoke at a ladies banquet.  On Sunday we preached at 2 services.  We were so excited to hear the testimonies of our previous visits there.

There was a young boy that was healed of deafness 4 years ago during our visit there.  He’s entire life changed after we prayed for Him and God healed him.  He’s now the drummer of the praise band of the church and has now graduated from high school.  Amazing powerful story!

From England we went to South Africa where we had an exciting month of ministry in 4 cities.

We started in Johannesburg where we ministered at a market place conference called ‘The Emerging Conference’.  The topics were: ‘The Emerging Leader, The Emerging Entrepreneur, The Emerging Woman and The Emerging Church’.  It was a high impact conference that inspired the business community of Kingdom Life Embassy.  Pastors Maxwell and Zena are doing an amazing job in training and inspiring the next generation.  We were also blessed to hear a testimony of a miracle that took place during our previous visit there.  A lady was healed of 10 years of osteoarthritis.  We serve an awesome God! 

From Johannesburg we went to Port Elizabeth where we spoke at ‘The Return of the Glory Conference’ at the Ebenezer Centre with Pastor Neville Goldman.  This was a very special time for us.  We love the city of Port Elizabeth. Ilke kicked off the conference with a powerful women’s event.  Many ladies were touched and the altar call was full of ladies that wanted more from God.  I spoke at the conference for 3 days; it was amazing to see the power of God move.  There were so many creative miracles that took place.  It was so good to see so many pastors from the city attending the meetings. One lady that was deaf for 5 years received an instant miracle; she became deaf when someone threw a stone in the window of the bus she was sitting in.  The window shattered and the glass of the window perpetrated her ear.  After that she was deaf in that ear.  After prayer, she received an instant miracle!  Another lady was healed of 10 years of bleeding.  Many others were healed from different sicknesses.  God is so good!  The people of the Ebenezer Center are so hungry for God. Even though the conference was during the week, many came to the services. We love Pastor Neville and his team.

From Port Elizabeth we went to Durban.  We always enjoy our time at Durban Christian Center with Pastors John and Joy Torrens and Dr. Fred and Nellie Roberts. They are doing an amazing work. We had 4 services with them on Sunday.  The Lord touched many.  On Sunday morning, Ilke and I preached in different locations. She spoke in Phoenix while I was preaching at the Jesus Dome. 

From Durban we went to Cape Town.  We spoke at ‘The Breakthrough Conference’, a conference organized by different churches and at different locations in the city.  It was so great to see the body of Christ come together in unity.  This was our second time doing this. The schedule included a men’s event, a women’s event, and celebration service on Sunday night where the different churches came together.  On Sunday morning Ilke and I went to separate locations to preach in multiple services at different locations.  We love and appreciate Pastor Bertram, Pastor Andrea, Pastor Werner, Pastor Michelle, Pastor Leslie and Pastor Dalene.  Many miracles took place in Cape Town including one where a man got his hearing back after becoming deaf from a chemo-therapy treatment.  We serve a very powerful God!

Throughout our tour in Africa many people got saved, many responded to the salvation altar calls and many got filled with the Holy Spirit.

From Africa we went back to Europe. 

We ministered in the United Kingdom in London and Manchester.

In London we ministered in different churches in the Brazilian community with Excel Ministries.  God has sent many Brazilian missionaries to reach Europe.  Pastors Eddie and Lilian are doing a great job in training up leaders and future pastors.

After London we ministered with our good friends Pastors Joel and Evangeline at Faith Life Centre.  I taught on leadership development.  We love this church and are very excited about what God is doing. We also love Pastors Joel and Evangeline’s kids, they always bring a lot of joy to us.

After our tour in Africa and Europe, we came back to the USA and ministered in Warrenton, Virginia and Eunice, Louisiana, where we had a great time in the Lord.

We are leaving this week for Asia.  We will be ministering in Singapore, Malaysia and Japan.

Please keep us in your prayers.  I am writing a new book right now and specially need your prayers so we can finish it by the end of this year.

Thanks for your partnership!  Together we can do far more than we can do alone.  These victories are your victories!

Love and blessings,

Guy & Ilke