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Mission Asia and USA Update – October 2013

Dear Friends

Greetings from Europe!

Don’t let your past define you. The past is not a place you can point to on a map. It exists only in your mind. Why do you continually seek to return to a place that simply doesn’t exist? Your task is to remain focused forward toward the future, and to stay rooted in the present because the present is where you will make your impact and can change lives.

“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3 : 13, 14 NKJV) 

The month of September and the beginning of this month have been very busy for us.  We had an awesome tour in Asia. (Singapore, Malaysia and Japan) We started our tour in Singapore where we spoke at Deeper Life Christian Center with Dr. Daniel OC, a hungry group of people.  We also enjoyed times of fellowship with great ministry friends. We love Singapore!

From Singapore we traveled to Malaysia where we spoke at different churches in different cities. We saw the power of God move mightily in different services.  We started at City Harvest where we had an awesome service.  Then we traveled to the city of Melaka where we had an awesome miracle service.  We love pastor Lim’s church. They are a great group of hungry people.  We also spoke at Setapak Lutheran where we did a supernatural conference for the 4th year in a row. There was a great demonstration of the Holy Spirit and many were touched and healed by the power of the Lord.  We concluded our time in Malaysia at Grace Assembly where we had a powerful service with many people getting saved and set free.  We enjoyed our time of fellowship with good friends.  We thank God for the opportunity to be a blessing to people in Malaysia. 

From Malaysia we traveled to Japan. This was virgin territory for us, although we have been through Japan more than 20 times. We also prayed for that nation but we never actually stayed long enough to minister.  This year was different. We had some exciting meetings in different churches. We could see the need in that nation for the Gospel. We were also excited to meet some awesome leaders that have a passion to see revival and God is opening some great doors for future times of ministry.

Our time there was not without challenging moments. On a Friday night my wife, Ilke, told me in the middle of the night to stop shaking the bed, only to realize that we were in the middle of a 5.8 earthquake that was shaking the hotel building where we were staying.   Thank God for his grace!  This was our 3rd earthquake while visiting Japan.  It was very unsettling.  We really believe that God has great plans for our ministry in Japan the next few years.

After our tour in Asia, we spent 10 days in the USA where we spoke at a church in Tennessee and then we traveled to Oklahoma where we spoke at a very special ministry event, ‘Winning the West Crusade’. In 1999 I was in this area in Oklahoma where Sharon Lee was raised from the dead after I prayed for her in the emergency room after she had been dead for more than 44 minutes. She made a full recovery.

This special ‘Winning the West Crusade’ event 2 weeks ago was organized by different churches and the mayor of the city.  Even public schools where normally you are not allowed to preach the Gospel allowed us to go speak to their students. People where fed in the streets as part of the outreach. The food was donated by a casino from the area.  A local roofing company sponsored the advertisement for the crusade and put big billboards all over Oklahoma City.  During the street crusade, I preached on the back of an 18-wheeler truck in downtown Geary, Oklahoma. It was exciting to see many young people giving their life to Jesus and to see what can happen when the Body of Christ comes together.  We were so blessed to be met by the mayor of the city, the head of police, the school principal and several pastors.  Many lives were changed during this event.  Special thanks to all the pastors, the mayor, the companies and all those who helped and served.  We are so excited because they just extended an invitation for us to return next year.

We are currently in Europe. 

Keep us in your prayers!

We thank all our partners and prayer warriors.  Together we are making a difference.


Guy & Ilke