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Mission Europe: Belgium – Finland – Estonia - October 2013

Dear Friends

We want to encourage you to finish the year strong. Keep moving! You may be tired, fired, burnt out and don't feel like it...but keep moving! You may have stacks of bills and may be stressed out about how to pay them....but keep moving! You may have drama or trauma in your life, relationships, children or career.... but keep moving. Someone you care deeply about may be ill or declining in health. It is their journey. You are here to love, support and/or accompany them...not to become keep moving!

Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes but they don't quit.

Philippians 3:13b-14

Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

We just finished an amazing tour in Europe.

We started with a ‘Holy Spirit’ conference in Belgium. It was a powerful time of teaching and training believers of different churches in Belgium. The conference was very well attended and there was a great hunger. We are so thankful for all the pastors in West Flanders, Belgium who have a heart to see their people learn more about the power of God.  Many pastors of different churches attended and supported the conference. Many people were filled by the Holy Spirit.  We also enjoyed seeing people moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit after the practical training session. I was particularly touched by a 9 year old girl that received a word of knowledge. She prayed for an adult and he was healed.  Amazing how God uses children.  We are passionate about the Body of Christ being empowered in the things of the Spirit.  That brings us joy. We were also blessed by the overwhelming positive feedback that we received from people attending the conference.  Many were grateful, thankful and hungry for even more.

In Belgium we also spoke at a healing service organized by Christen Centrum Waregem. We ministered personally laying hands on every-one in the service that was sick. I am really blessed by Pastor Bart Abeel’s vision to create a platform for healing for his city.

Our time in Belgium also included time of ministry in Brugge and Vichte.  It was wonderful to be with Pastor Nick Vandeputte and Pastor Francky Goudeseune. We love to be part of what God is doing in Belgium and bringing our contribution to the local churches.

We also organized a pastors-fellowship-dinner which was designed to bring pastors together for fellowship and relationship building.  It was a wonderful evening of just enjoying each other’s company. We love to see the Body of Christ come together and it’s awesome to see pastors who have a heart for the Kingdom.

From Belgium we took a TGV fast train at 5 am to Paris to catch a flight to Helsinki, Finland.

Upon our arrival we went straight to our first service in Hervanta. It was the church anniversary weekend. We had 3 days of power-packed meetings with a great move of the Spirit.

Thanks to Lassi and Tarja for being such a great blessing to us.




From Hervanta we went to Seinajoki to minister at one of Finland’s most thriving churches. This church has been holding revival services for many years. They have a very strong prayer ministry. Every Wednesday night the church is packed with people coming from different cities and even from different nations. Pastors Marti and Marjetta are our dear friends, we always enjoy seeing them. Ilke ministered on Wednesday morning. It was a powerful time. I ministered at the revival service at night. Many were touched. A special thanks to evangelist Timo Narhi.  We love the nation of Finland.  I have been working there for the last 14 years.


From Finland we flew to Estonia.  We had an amazing time of ministry there. God opened a media platform for the Word of God. We recorded several TV broadcasts and did several live radio programs.  Some of the TV broadcasts were TV7 that broadcasts around Scandinavia, ‘Another World’ TV show on Life TV that has a potential reach of 680 million viewers around the world.  We thank God for this opportunity.  We will be going back twice next year to record some more TV programs.

We also spoke at a few churches in the cities of Parnu, Rakvere and Tallinn. Many were healed and touched by God.

We are so thankful to be able to minister the Word of God all over the world.  We see such a hunger for more of the things of the Spirit and we are very encouraged.

After our time in Europe we came back home to Dallas. Last Sunday we had 2 powerful healing services you can see the video link above of some of the miracles that took place.

This weekend we will be preaching in Sanford, Michigan before going to Brazil.

We really want to thank our partners! Together we are making the difference. You are a blessing to many!

Love and blessings

Dr. Guy & Ilke