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News-Update: Germany - The Netherlands - USA - Jan.-March 2014

Dear friends

Greetings from Riga, Latvia.

John 3 : 27 “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven.”

James 1 : 17 “ Every good and perfect gift is from above and comes down from the father of light with whom there is no variation of shadow of turning.”

A pastor was once talking to an agnostic and was trying to convince him and convert him to Christ. “Speaking of miracles,” the pastor said, “if a man jumped out of a ten-story building and did not die, would that not be a miracle?” “No,” said the agnostic, “it would only be an accident.”
“Then what if he jumped out the second time and he didn’t die. Wouldn’t you say that would be a miracle?”
“No, that would be a coincidence.”
“Then what about a third time? Wouldn’t that be one?”
“No, that’s just a habit!”

Has anyone ever tried to convince you that the day of miracles is over? My answer to such a point of view is this:

“There was never a day of miracles, but only a God of miracles!”

The entire Bible is a book of miracles. Moses, Elijah and Elisha were among the many that performed miracles in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, Jesus, Peter and Paul were miracle workers. It takes miracles to point us directly to who God is.

What is a miracle exactly? A “miracle” is a supernatural intervention that transcends, defies or breaks natural laws. It is the experience of a blessing that only God can perform. It was God that did the miracles through the ages!

When Jesus began His earthly ministry, He performed miracles to show people what God was really like. He represented God on earth. Oh, what authority! What compassion! What demonstrated in spite of those religious leaders and multitudes filled with doubt and skepticism!

Don’t you love to read the miracle accounts of Jesus? They fill us with hope and faith. They serve as our foundation for miracle living. They have been recorded to give you a glimpse of Jesus’ response to sickness, suffering and destruction - He hates them with a holy passion! He rebuked storms, resisted doubt and renounced evil spirits. He healed all who came to Him.

Exert from my book: Keys too Receiving Your Miracles

The last 3 months have been amazing. We started the year with a ministry time in Germany and The Netherlands where we had 2 phenomenal conferences where the emphasis was to encourage and prepare people for the New Year.

From the end of January till the end of March we did a series of activation conferences and signs and wonders meetings around the United States.  We have seen a surge and increase of the power of God with miracles taking place everywhere. We saw Jesus open the eyes of the blind, open deaf ears, cause tumors to disappear and the sick healed.  I would encourage you to watch some of the videos that are connected to this newsletter to see for yourself. This has been an amazing Spring where we saw the power of God demonstrated in the United States and we are so encouraged by God’s faithfulness and love for His people.  During our Activation conferences we saw many people move in the Words of Knowledge and Prophecy for the first time. We received so many positive responses from pastors, church folks… So many people have written us telling us about how they were blessed, how their questions were answered and how they were healed…  

I want to highlight some of the conferences where we saw God do some unique things.

In Ohio, there was a great outpouring of God’s Spirit with many former Amish and Mennonites being touched by God. There was a special prayer time in Millersburg during the conference where prophetic utterance and prophetic intercession was released. We saw the generations come together in unity and God used many in the gifts of the Spirit. The name of the conference “You Too Can Be Used By God’, became the reality for many people that attended.  We also had a great time in Dover. God healed many. Our time in Ohio was completed with our good friends in Canton - Dr. Dana Gamill and his family at Cathedral of Life where they had their annual Kingsnet Conference where we were blessed to speak on Sunday.  At the Kingsnet Conference there were other preachers from Ireland, South Africa and the USA. We enjoyed hearing all the testimonies even from our previous visits there. Diane, who was healed of nerve deafness was still healed.

Click here to view some of the testimonies from Ohio:

Diane Healed of Nerve-Deafness

Healed of 15 Years of Fibromyalgia

Eye-Sight Healed

In Roseville – California, we ministered at a Women’s Conference and at a Healing, Signs and Wonders conference.  Ilke started with the women’s conference where there was an amazing move of the power of God. Many ladies were touched and changed. We received numerous testimonies of ladies who attended the conference with awesome testimonies. Many young people were touched. The Women’s Conference truly set the stage for the Healing Conference. Some teenagers went back to school and tried to get as many students as possible to come to the meetings. It was amazing; so many young people came every day, hungry for more of God - they were mightily touched by God.  It was truly amazing.  During the healing conference, every night there was a strong demonstration of the power of God with the Word of Knowledge and Prophecy confirmed with signs, and wonders. Tumors disappeared from people bodies, ears were healed, different other conditions like carpal tunnel and neuropathy were healed. I man came out of a wheelchair and returned the next day without it.

Here are some testimonies of miracles that took place in Roseville, California.

Tumor Disappeared

Man Comes Out of Wheelchair

Healed of Carpal Tunnel

Healed of Eyes en Ears

Healed of a Tumor in The Spinal Cord

One particular night many people had encounters with God and described different experiences such as seeing visions about the throne of God. A 10-year-old girl saw Jesus. You can see their testimonies recorded on video on the link below. 

10-Year-Old Girl Sees Jesus and Encounters with God

The altars were packed every night, especially with young people that were crying out to God. It was truly an awesome move of God. Pastor Doug, senior pastor of Abundant Life Fellowship, said that they have never seen that many people healed in meeting that they have organized in their church and that over 100 miracles took place that week. They said they felt winds of revival blowing in their church. You can view pastor Doug’s report about the meetings on the link below.

Pastors Doug and Janice’s Report About the Meetings

Miracles in Roseville, CA

Our ministry time in the USA also included meetings in Stockton, San Francisco, Sacramento, Willows, Dunsmuir, California and Ardmore, Pennsylvania.

Miracles in Stockton, CA

Miracles in Willows, CA:

Miracles in Sacramento, CA

In Stockton, CA a man ordered new hearing aids and paid $5,000 for them. After he got prayed for he did not need them anymore and sent them back and got his money back. He was healed by the power of Jesus.

We had a great time in San Francisco, CA many churches came together for the special meetings. It’s amazing when the Body of Christ comes together.

In Sacramento, CA we enjoyed our time with our good friends. The Spirit of God was moving mightily.

In Willows, Ilke did a powerful ladies event. She had a great time!

We were in Dunsmuir, CA for the first time. People came from different cities and church denominations in that region.

We finished our USA tour in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. Where we ministered at the E3 conference. We Equipped and  Empowered people for spiritual Explosion. The conference was powerful with delegates, pastors, church leaders coming from New York, Delaware, Baltimore, North Carolina, Maryland and Ohio.  Many testified of being blessed and being healed. So many were encouraged. Ilke had a powerful ladies meeting at the E3 conference. There was a mighty move of the Holy Ghost. People enjoyed her ministry so much; they didn’t want her to go. They wanted to keep her there.

In the general overview of this Spring tour we can say that God is absolutely amazing. One of our best tours yet. Lots of salvations, lots of miracles, awesome presence of God,… in one word - Amazing!

We want to say thanks to all our partners and prayer partners around the world. Your spiritual and financial input makes the difference. Together we can do more.

We just arrived in Riga, Latvia and are having an awesome time in the largest church in Latvia. 

Keep us in your prayers:

Love and blessings,

Guy & Ilke