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News Update Asia - Hong Kong - Taiwan - May 2014

Dear Friends

Greetings from Dallas TX.  Ilke and I are back home after an amazing tour the last 2 months in Europe and Asia.

I just want to encourage you to keep the fire of prayer burning on the altar of your heart.

Some years ago a young man looking for work approached a foreman of a logging crew and asked him for a job.  “It depends,” replied the foreman.  “Let’s see how you take this one down.” The young man stepped forward and skillfully felled a great tree. The foreman was impressed and exclaimed, “You can start on Monday!” Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday rolled by quickly. On Thursday afternoon the foreman approached the young man and said, “You can pick up your paycheck on the way out today.”  Startled, the young man asked, “I thought you paid on Fridays.” “Normally we do,” answered the foreman, “but we’re letting you go today because you’ve fallen behind. Your daily charts show that you’ve dropped from first place on Monday to last place on Wednesday.”  “But I’m a hard worker,” the young man objected.  “I arrive first, leave last, and I’ve even worked through my coffee breaks!” The foreman, sensing the boy’s integrity, thought for a minute and then asked, “Have you been sharpening your ax?” The young man replied, “Well, no, sir.  I’ve been working way too hard to take the time.” 

How about you?  Too busy to sharpen your ax? 

Prayer is the hone that gives you the sharp edge.  Without prayer, the more work you do, the duller you’ll get.

We need to take time to stay sharp as we go about our daily life.

If there is no appointed time for prayer, soon there will be no time at all for prayer.

Martin Luther said: ‘I have so much to do today that I must set apart more time than usual to pray.’

You are no bigger than your prayer life.

Pray this with me: ‘Lord help me maintain communion and fellowship with you through prayer and intercession. Revive my prayer life. In Jesus’ name’

Excerpt from my book: Breakthrough Prayer page 19

We had a great time in Asia.  We were in Hong Kong and Taiwan for about 3 weeks.

We started our time in Asia with a time of ministry at 2 vibrant churches in Hong Kong: Praise Assembly and City Church.

Here are some testimonies from our meetings in Hong Kong:

Our main event was a market place conference with the Full Gospel Business Men called ‘The Gate Keepers Conference’. We had an amazing time with delegates from China and Hong Kong.  I taught on many subjects which included: team work, business and finances, holiness, family and life, balance, vision, dreams, gate keepers, the 7 mountains and more. We enjoy working with the FGB Hong Kong the last few years. A big thanks to brothers Jimmy and Alex who always take care of us in grand style when we come to Hong Kong. Special thanks to the FGB leaders’ brothers Hugo, Robert, Georges and the FGB staff.

We received some awesome, powerful testimonies from the last few years.

Brother Gau was healed from colon cancer after we prayed for him and laid hands on his wife even though he was not in the meeting. Enjoy this powerful testimony:

Healed of colon cancer:

We also got to spend time with brother Samuel who had an encounter with God during one of our meetings in Singapore few years back. During that encounter he received a revelation that enabled him to produce an invention. He calls it ‘The Miracle Formula’.

Business Miracle Formula:

After our time in Hong Kong we went to Taiwan where we ministered at Glory Mission Church and at Love Church and Full Gospel Business Taipei.

During our time in Tao-Yuen we were blessed by the testimony of Jennifer. A former Buddhist who was transformed after reading 2 of our books. ‘Keys to Receiving Your Miracles’ and ‘You Too can Be Used by God’ which is published in several languages including Chinese.

We thank God for our partners who enable us to translate, print and distribute our books in different languages in so many different countries through their financial support.

Listen to Jennifer’s testimony - Former Buddhist changed by the Word of God

We had a great time of ministry at Glory Mission Church where we spoke at 2 youth events and a special Mother’s Day service.  It was amazing to see so many people thank their mothers. There were smiles, laughter and tears. We have visited this dynamic church several times the last few years.

Here’s what the pastors are saying about the impact of the ministry:

We had 2 services with the Full Gospel Business Men. One service where they invited people that needed miracles. We prayed for a lot of sick people and people that needed breakthroughs. At night we had a glorious Holy Ghost time. It’s amazing that the leader of the FGB brother Tony Tseng has requested me to teach on the Holy Spirit the last 3 years.  It’s beautiful to see the hunger among the business community. There was an amazing atmosphere. Many men were being touched by God.  There was also a strong operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit with the Word of Knowledge and Prophecy.  Someone present in the meeting told us that they have never felt such a strong presence of the Holy Spirit in all those years of attending the FGB meetings in Taiwan.

In every meeting we were blessed to see so many responding to the salvation altar calls.

Special thanks to Jennifer, Jill, Henry and Wendy for loving on us and taking care of us during our time in Taiwan.

We are glad to be back home taking care of some practical things before going back on the road this weekend. We will be in the USA for the next 3 weeks before going to Europe and Africa.

We want to say a big THANK YOU to God for His mighty hand that goes with us everywhere we go.

Thanks to all our prayer partners and financial partners. Together we can do more.

Love and blessings,

Guy & Ilke