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Signs, Wonders and Miracles in the USA - June 2014

Dear Friends

Greetings from Europe!

We just completed an amazing month of ministry in the USA in Texas, Louisiana and Florida. We saw God do miracles everywhere we went.  It was so good to see many touched by the power of God and many healed.

As you read our newsletter we want to encourage you to watch the many miracles that God did around America by visiting the links we provide below. Let this be an encouragement to your faith.  If He did it before He can do it again.

Dare to Hope 

Lamentations 3 : 21 - 26

This I recall to my mind
therefore I have hope. Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed because His compassions fail not, they are new every morning,
great is Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I hope in Him!” The Lord is good to those who wait for Him
to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord.

Proverbs 13 : 12

Hope deferred makes the heart sick.

The famous American cardiologist Leslie B. Flynn said in his autobiography, “Hope is the medicine I use more than any other. Hope can cure nearly everything.” Another doctor commented, “If you lead a person to believe there’s no hope, you drive another nail in his coffin.” Charles Allen said: “When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God.” There are no hopeless situations. There are only people who have grown hopeless about their situations.

When facing challenging circumstances that seem to have no alternative in the natural, many of us become hopeless, depressed, and fearful. We often give up. Many of us react instead of respond.

Today, our hope is not in our effort, merit, wealth or education. When there is nothing we can count on, the only thing that can give us hope is the covenant that we have with God by the blood of Jesus. The blood gives us mercy when we deserve judgment. The blood gives us forgiveness when we deserve punishment. The blood gives us audience with God when we deserve to be cast out of His presence. Our hope is in the covenant that we have through the blood of Jesus.

I would like to submit to you that hope is the “power force” behind our faith, and without hope, our faith has no substance or direction. But with this hope, we inherit every promise the Lord has given us, because He is faithful to His Word. In the Greek, “hope” is the joyful and confident expectation in who He is and what He said He would do. As our hope is anchored in the only true hope - the Lord Jesus Christ, we will see every obstacle in our lives removed, and we will see every impossible situation changed.

(Excerpt from my book: Keys to Receiving Your Miracles, Key 18 page 116)

Mission USA

 We started in Denison, Texas at Trinity Lighthouse. It was so good to be reconnected with Pastor England. I used to preach at this church 20 years ago. It’s amazing to see what God has done. We had 3 powerful and dynamic services. There was a great hunger; people responding to the altar calls, getting right with God.  Ilke preached on Sunday night on soul ties; there was a powerful move of God with many being touched and blessed. The gifts of the Holy Spirit were in operation and Jesus healed and touched many.

You can watch testimonies of healing in Denison, Texas on the link below:

After Denison, TX we went to Vidor, Texas. Vidor, TX has been associated in history with racial tensions because of what happened there many years ago - the KKK had a big march there. We have been going there for the last 6 years. People sometimes feel concerned about us going to that city but we have always had a wonderful time. The people at Grace Community Church are Kingdom minded, very nice, receptive and have always loved us.

Ilke ministered at their ladies conference “You Are God’s Masterpiece’. She had a powerful time. There was a great response. On Sunday we had 2 services where we prayed for the sick and many miracles took place. 

One grandma had an enlarged knuckle on her hand for 15 years - after prayer her knuckle became normal.

Watch her testimony on the link below: 

Miracle Moment - Healed of arthritis, enlarged knuckle becomes normal

Miracle Moment - Here are some testimonies of miracles that took place in Vidor, TX.

From Vidor, TX we traveled to Alexandria, Louisiana where we were blessed to be part of MHM camp-meeting. We conducted a miracle service. It was a powerful time; the Lord touched and healed many. It was also good to see many of our friends.

Miracle Moment - Watch what God did in Alexandria, LA

We just finished 10 days of ministry in Orlando, Florida where we ministered at 3 different churches.  It was so great to see so many people touched and healed by the power of God! We love this region and it’s great to be part of what God is doing.

We enjoyed our time at Victorious Living Fellowship where we started our time of ministry in Orlando. We had some awesome Holy Ghost times.  The people were so hungry for God. Ilke prayed for people for hours after the services were dismissed.

One sister was so excited because God healed a very painful injury. She was in a very bad car accident few months ago and injured her back. Miraculously all the pain left and her back was healed. She was on heavy pain medication and took sleeping aids because she had a hard time sleeping because of the pain. After prayer she was completely healed! Watch her testimony below:

Miracle Moment - Herniated disc healed, FL 

Here are some more testimonies of God’s power:

Miracle Moment - Watch what God did at Victorious Living Fellowship in Orlando, Florida.

Last Sunday we ministered at Legacy Life and Kingdom Life Center. We had a great time at both churches. 

Miracle Moment - Watch what God did at Legacy Life in Orlando, Florida. 

Miracle Moment - Watch what God did at Kingdom Life Center in Orlando, Florida.

We will be in Europe for a few days. Then on Wednesday we will be going to Africa.

We thank God for the many souls that came to the Lord and for all the miracles that took place.

Please keep us in your prayers.

Love and blessings

Guy & Ilke