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News Update - Signs, Wonders and Miracles in Africa – Europe – USA

Dear Friends

Greetings from Singapore! We just started our Asia tour. The next few weeks we will be in Singapore, Malaysia and India.

The last 2 months - July and August - we ministered in South Africa, Belgium, France and the USA.  It was a powerful time filled with the demonstration of God’s power, signs, wonders and miracles.  I want to encourage you to read the newsletter, read the testimonies, watch the testimonies and let your faith rise.  If He did it before, He can do it again.

South Africa Ministry Tour

We started our time of ministry in South Africa. Where we did a ‘Festival of Miracles’ in Phoenix.  On Sunday we preached at ‘The Jesus Dome’ in Durban.

The Festival of Miracles was amazing.  Every day God did miracles, healing the sick.  The meetings were packed. DCC Phoenix did a great job advertising the meetings.  It was truly a Festival of Miracles. 

Hindu Priest (Spiritist) Saved, Healed and Delivered

One of the highlight testimonies of the festival was a well-known Hindu priest (spiritist) who was invited by someone to come to the meetings.  I was told that she had visitors from all over the world that came to see her to get help for their problems.  She could manipulate the spiritual world. This Hindu priest experienced healing and deliverance one night after a word of knowledge and prayer.  She gave her life to Jesus.  What a mighty God we serve! 

I was told following the crusade that more than 100 new people (souls), that attended the crusade came for a New Beginners Class and were baptized.  Thank you Jesus!

Click here to watch what the Lord did at the ‘Festival of Miracles’.

We enjoyed our time ministering at ‘The Jesus Dome’ in Durban.  We thank God for Pastors John & Joy Torrens and Dr. Fred & Nellie Roberts. We love these awesome people of God.

From Durban we traveled to Cape Town where we spoke at ‘The Awake Conference’, a conference organized by different churches in the city.  This was our 4th year of doing this event.  It was amazing to see different churches and pastors come together.  On Saturday Ilke had a ladies event where many ladies were powerfully ministered to.  The Lord moved mightily.  On Saturday morning so many leaders came together for a leaderships seminar.  On Sunday morning, Ilke and I preached at different locations.  Sunday night was a big celebration where all the churches came together.  We had a powerful time in the Lord.  Jesus healed many during the conference.

Click here to watch some of the testimonies.

From South Africa we flew to Belgium.  We spoke at a youth camp and ministered twice in Belgium.  We were so blessed to see young people empowered as we taught on personal development, financial management and skill formation for careers and destiny.  At the end of the camp we ministered personally and prophetically to every individual young person.  We finished at 2 am.  What a powerful time it was.

Heart Healed in Belgium

One of the services we did in Belgium at Jesus Living Water was a healing service.  We prayed for a Belgian man who had a bad heart condition and was being monitored by his doctor.  After praying he went home and felt so good. His heart was beating regularly and he could easily go up the stairs.  He decided to visit his doctor.  They ran all the tests and his heart had became normal again.  The rhythm of his heart was perfect.  The doctor told him that he could stop taking all his medication because his heart was working perfectly.  He was healed!  What an awesome God we serve!

Miracles on Television Outreach in Paris, France

We had the wonderful privilege to do a live TV program at Holy God TV in Paris, France -   a TV station that reaches 120 countries.  We have been on other TV networks before in other countries but this TV network is very special.  For the first 30 minutes of the program I taught on miracles.  After that, the next 30 minutes people could call the TV station live while we were on the air, with their prayer requests.  People called in live from 15 different nations (Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Australia, Norway, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, England, Denmark,…)  The power of God was moving.  Thank God there’s no distance in the realm of the Spirit.

Woman from Saudi Arabia Healed From Neck Injury During TV Broadcast

I had a word of knowledge during the TV program about somebody that had a neck injury from a car accident 6 months earlier and they could not move their neck.  Ten minutes later, a woman from Saudi Arabia called and testified that she was that person and that she was completely healed.  She could move her neck!  Glory!

Paralyzed Man From London, UK Healed During TV Broadcast

A man that was paralyzed and in a wheelchair called the live program and said: ‘Pastor I want to walk again!’  I started to pray for him.  During the prayer, I felt a burning sensation in my legs.  I stopped the prayer and told the man what I felt and I asked him if he felt anything.  He said: ‘I feel the same thing going through my legs.’  He started to shout: “I can feel my legs, I can feel my legs.  I can walk! I am healed’ 

Praise Jesus!  Jesus is alive! 

We are excited to host a TV show called ‘Miracles Today’ starting this fall on Holy God TV.  Pray for this.  I believe that many will be impacted, as we will be on the air twice a week.

From France we came home to Dallas, Texas.  It was so good to be home for a few days and to minister at our home church, Church in the City. 

Outbreak of Miracles at Church in the City in Dallas, TX USA

There was an amazing move of God with an outbreak of miracles.  I didn’t preach very much.  I gave some words of knowledge and did a general prayer for the sick and God instantly healed many. I asked who was healed and more than a 100 people flooded the stage with powerful testimonies of healings that took place. 

A man that was blind in the right eye was healed.  His blind eye was opened by the power of God.

A man that could barely walk because of a severe back pain was instantly healed.

Many deaf ears were opened.  A lady with a big swelling behind her ear because of water was instantly healed.  The swelling was gone, the ringing in her ear was gone and she could hear perfectly.

There were so many wonderful testimonies.  We see God do many miracles around the world, but it was so great to see people healed at our home church in Dallas, TX.

You can watch some of the testimonies by clicking here:

Women’s Conference and Healing Service in Eunice, Louisiana

Last weekend Ilke spoke at a powerful women’s conference called ‘Stand Out’ in Eunice, LA.  She has been speaking at that conference for the last few years.  Many ladies were touched and encouraged.  On Sunday we had a miracle service.

We were so encouraged to hear about all the testimonies of God’s power from the last few years from our visits in Eunice.

Cowboy Healed of a Severe Back Injury That Caused Him To Be On Disability For 5 Years, He Could Barely Walk

Last year, there was a cowboy at our healing service in Eunice, LA.  He was walking with a cane and could barely walk.  And a few years earlier he had an open-heart surgery.  While he was recovering from the open-heart surgery, he injured his back badly. The doctor told him that he was not going to be able to walk again and have a normal life.  He needed to have back surgery.  His wife had to dress him, carry him and take care of him.  Last year he came to our healing service. I had a word of knowledge and prayed for him, without touching him, and he was instantly healed.  One year later he’s still completely healed.  He was on disability for 5 years. After his miracle, he went back to work as a welder.  Praise God! 

You can watch his powerful testimony by clicking here:

We want to give all the glory to God for all the powerful things He has done and is doing in our ministry. 

You have to be there to really see how powerful God has been moving in our meetings.  We are so thankful to be used by him in our generation and to reach the nations of the earth.  All the glory belongs to Him.

A special thanks to all our financial partners and prayer partners.  We could not have done it without your help.  Together we can do more!

Love and blessings, 

Guy & Ilke