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News Update Latvia โ€“ Lithuania โ€“ Estonia โ€“ Belgium - April 2014

Dear Friends 

Greetings from Hong Kong!  We just finished an amazing tour of 4 weeks in Eastern and Central Europe in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Belgium.

And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are: northward, southward, eastward, and westward. Genesis 13: 14

The Lord told Abram after he and Lot parted ways: 'Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are. 'It's that phrase, "look from the place where you are," that stirs me. That's the point of a fresh start, a new beginning. God Himself will bring us to that point occasionally. It seems that life always has its way of bringing us to a place where we need to make a fresh start.  In the Bible, Abram found himself in that very place when his nephew Lot chose the best land in the area, leaving Abram with the less desirable land. But God didn't abandon Abram. Instead He showed up and gave Abram a bold new vision. I like what the Lord told Abram after he and Lot parted ways. He told him, 'Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are.'  God could be telling you right now to get up and get on with your dream or vision, your assignment, your life, because He is giving it to you. Your part is to walk it out.  Do what you need to do. It may not be easy. It might take some time. But trust God and go for whatever it is. Look from the place where you are right now - and go!

Pray this prayer with me: God, regardless of what's happened in the past, help me to look up from where I am now. I thank You for Your new beginning for me. I will boldly step into it and walk out Your calling for me.

We started our mission tour in one of the Baltic States, Latvia. We ministered at the largest church in the Baltic States. We had a fabulous time! Our ministry included: leadership training, training on evangelism, and Ilke spoke at a powerful women’s event. We were so blessed to see many people in Riga being inspired, trained and equipped. The women’s event that Ilke did drew many women from different spectrums of life and they were so touched and inspired by Ilke’s ministry. On Sunday morning we had a powerful service.  We always enjoy our time with our dear friends the Gleske family!

In Latvia we also ministered in Ventspils, where we did a miracle rally at the sports center in the middle of the city. We were so blessed to see so many people in Ventspils hungry for a touch of God and to see God meet their expectation with signs, wonders and miracles.  Many were saved, many were filled with the Holy Spirit and many were healed. You can view the miracles on the link below.

We had a powerful service at Spring of Life Church in Ventspils. We always enjoy our time of fellowship with Pastor Maris, Martha and their dear family.

We also ministered in Roja, Latvia. We had a great time. The second day of the meetings, Ilke and I split up to do women’s meeting and men’s meeting.

Latvia for Jesus! Jesus for Latvia!

From Latvia we went to Lithuania.

We ministered first in Mazeikiai. On our first day I spoke to the leaders of the church on enlargement and growth. On our second day, 2 churches came together and we had a great celebration service.

After our last service, we left the same night and drove for four hours, in the middle of the night to Kaunus, where we had a powerful service. Many people came from different churches and cities.  We had an awesome time in the Lord.

Lithuania for Jesus! Jesus for Lithuania!

The 3rd country we visited of the Baltic States was Estonia. Upon our arrival after a drive from Riga, Latvia to Tallinn we went straight to a TV studio to record a TV broadcast for a TV show called ‘Another World’ that has a potential reach of 682 million people. Part of our ministry time in Estonia was recording TV and radio programs during the day time.  We recorded programs for ‘Another World’ broadcast, TV7, Family Radio,…  Every evening we had different services in Tallinn. On Good Friday we ministered in Parnu. We see a great hunger in the people in Estonia. We had a great Easter Celebration.

Estonia for Jesus! Jesus for Estonia!

Our overall feeling of our Baltic States tour is that there is a great hunger for God, a great need for unity and training. The Spirit of God is moving and the Church is doing a lot of praying.

We just finished a powerful ‘Awake’ Conference in Belgium. The 4th of its kind.  This conference is organized in collaboration with 12 different churches. It’s amazing what can happen when the Body of Christ comes together in unity. We sensed this year that the conference grew in comparison to previous years. There was a greater freedom, more engagement from the people and many more people came.  We are so thankful to God for what He’s doing in Belgium. The conference included a breakfast fellowship for pastors and church leaders, a special time of training for pastors and leaders, a special youth event with youth from different churches, and on Sunday morning there was a celebration service where 12 churches cancelled their Sunday service to come together to worship God in unity.  Many responded to altar calls to get right with God and many were touched.

Our time in Europe was fruitful, inspiring, encouraging and very rewarding.  We are so glad to be used by God and impact our generation. 

Europe for Jesus! Jesus for Europe!

We want to thank all our prayer partners and financial partners. Together we are changing the world! We give all the glory to God for what He’s doing through our ministry in the world!

We have just started our Asia tour. The next 3 weeks we will be ministering in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Please keep us in your prayers.

Lots of blessings

Dr. Guy & Ilke