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News Update July 2008 - Brazil

Dear Friends / Beste Vrienden:

Give unto the Lord, O you mighty ones, give unto the Lord glory and strength. Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Psalm 29: 1 - 2

Gathering at a soccer stadium in Sao Paulo Brazil.

Praise and worship of God are always acts of will. Sometimes our problems or the burdens we carry choke out our good intentions, so we have to make the effort to establish praise as a way of life. And it becomes a way of life when we make it our first reaction to what we face and not a last resort. That's when we find true freedom in the Lord. In the Old Testament, the people who carried the Ark of the Covenant stopped every six steps to worship. We too need to remind ourselves not to go very far without stopping to worship. For spiritual well-being, we have to be six-step persons and continually invite the presence of the Lord to rule in our situations. We have to be free to praise Him no matter what our circumstances.

Miracle service at the First Baptist Church - Casa De Deues.

We just came back from our 2-week mission trip to Brazil. We had an awesome trip. We spoke in 9 cities in the Sao Paulo area. Brazil is a nation where people are hungry for God. We felt such a strong hunger and passion for God in every city. The leaders are really hungry to see their city and nation transformed. The meetings were amazing - there was a strong visitation of the Holy Spirit at every turn. My preaching was often interrupted by spontaneous interruption of praise being given to God, shouting, and crying. Many responded to altar calls to give their life to Jesus. God was so faithful to confirm His Word with signs and wonders. We took testimonies; many were healed of different kinds of sickness and disease. I spoke at a gathering at a soccer stadium were many were touched, including a teenager that was blind in 1 eye received his sight. We were also interviewed on a major radio station and shared the message of love and hope that Jesus gives.

Guy speaking in soccer stadium.


 Miracle service at the Snowball Church - Bola De Neve.

Many blessings.

Keep reaching forward in Him.
Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh