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News Update - August 2008

Flyer of the campmeeting.

Dear Friends,

Prayer is not merely going to God with a shopping list of things we want Him to do for us and for our families. Rather, it is being in relationship with Him, listening to Him, and sharing our hearts with Him.

We must remember who it is that we are talking with - the Almighty God. I have found it helpful to begin and end my prayers by focusing on His character traits. He is the Almighty God. He is the God who heals. He is the God of peace. He is the God who forgives. He is the God who provides, and He is the God who is in control. He knows everything that is happening. He is not caught off guard. His love is perfect.

As I consider who He is instead of focusing on myself or another person or my situation, I am better able to pray with faith. 

In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength. Isaiah 30:15.

The works of the Lord are great, studied by all who have pleasure in them. His work is honorable and glorious, and His righteousness endures forever. He has made His wonderful works to be remembered. The Lord is gracious and full of compassion. Psalm 11: 2 - 4

Miracle service in Las Vegas.

We were blessed and privileged to be part of a great camp-meeting in Las Vegas at Word of Life Christian Center, a dynamic church that is contending for the glory of God. The meetings were awesome throughout the whole week. There was a spirit of celebration and rejoicing in the Lord. We also enjoyed the time of fellowship with other ministers and this was a time of refreshing for us. My wife and I ministered 3 times during the course of the camp-meeting. On Monday night as we prayed for the sick there was a release of a healing anointing with many signs and wonders taking place including hearing being restored, tumor disappearing and much more. We were so excited to see God show Himself strong and revealing his glory in a place that the world calls sin city. We thank God for pastor David and Vicki Shearin and their staff of Word of Life, they were very gracious to us and served us with excellence

Campmeeting Las Vegas.

 Ilke praying for kids in Natchitoches.

From Las Vegas we went to Natchitoches, Louisiana and ministered at Christian Worship Center Natchitoches ( Pastors Tim and Tammy Brown and their congregation are very hungry for God and are doing a tremendous effort to reach their city. The fire of God descended on their congregation. As we ministered the word, many were touched and slain in the Spirit without even receiving the laying on of hands. The service lasted for hours and the congregation didn't want to leave even after they were dismissed as therewas such a precious presence of God. Many were healed as we took testimonies including the mayor of a city who happened to attend the service that day. She was deaf for 5 years in her right ear and God healed her at this meeting.

Our next assignment takes us to Europe. We are going to do a series of conferences in Finland. 

Please keep us in your prayers. Your prayer and financial support are welcome and appreciated.

Keep reaching forward in Him.

Many blessings,
Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh