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News Update September 2008 - Finland

Dear Friends,

How often do you come to God with more hope than faith? Is this kind of hope actually unbelief? Faith produces true, trusting hope. Faith then takes hope and makes it a certainty (Heb 11:1). How does the father respond to Jesus' statement (Mk 9:24)? When has unbelief prevented your faith from growing? When have you hoped God would heal or help you while you still harbored doubt or conflict? Here is the answer to your doubt: Ask Jesus to help you overcome your unbelief. What is possible if you believe (Mk 9:23)?

Altar call for salvation in Seinajoki.

What are you experiencing today? Guilt, because what you think is hope is really unbelief? Or joy that your "little faith" can be used so mightily by God? Seek Jesus' help to overcome your unbelief. He will respond as lovingly to you as he did to the father in Mark 9. Praise Him for His work in you. "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen" (Eph 3:20 - 21)

 Meeting in Tampere.

We just returned from Europe. We have been working in Finland for the last 10 years. It's amazing to see how much our ministry has grown in this nation. On this trip we travelled and ministered in 7 different cities: Riihimaki, Jarvenpaa, Lappenrantaa, Tampere, Hervanta, Seinajoki and Kouhajoki. We conducted 7 conferences. In every conference Ilke had a special "Woman You Are Precious" gathering. It was awesome to see hundreds of women impacted by the power of God through her ministry. In some cities we found out that her previous messages from last year were circulated in churches around the country and that brought great crowds.

Revival meeting in Seinajoki broadcast on TV, radio and internet.

We had great moments of visitation as we ministered on the fire of God. There was a release and breakthrough in many churches. We were told by pastors that in the history of their ministry that they never experienced a move of God like that. Hundreds of people gave their lives to Jesus during this trip, many were filled with the Holy Ghost and many were healed. The altar calls were many times filled with people crying out to God and weeping. We were blessed to see God reward our effort with such a harvest of souls and lives that were transformed. In our last conference in Seinajoki, one of the meetings was broadcast on radio, television and on the internet. We want to thank pastor Martti, our regional facilitator in the region of Finland. My wife and I really love him, his wife and their church. They always make us feel at home.

Ilke speaking in Riihimaki.

We have been running around the USA and around the world ministering the gospel since the beginning of this year. We are very blessed to be home for 2 weeks.

Your prayers and your support are welcome and appreciated. We thank all our intercessors on the prayer network and all those that are praying for us. We couldn't have done what we do without your prayers.

Keep reaching forward in Him.

Many blessings,
Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh