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News Update June 2008 - Swaziland


Dear Friends:


From South Africa we flew to Swaziland and neighboring country of South Africa.

This country needs a lot of prayer. I ask you to pray for Swaziland. This nation needs a supernatural intervention from God. The population of Swaziland is about 1 million people, more than 40% of the population is HIV positive and there are more than 80,000 orphans. This nation needs to hear a message of hope.

Altar call in Swaziland

Miracle crusade

We did a 5 day miracle crusade. Some of the meetings were also broadcast on TV. We brought a message of hope, healing and deliverance to the people of Swaziland. It was amazing to see the power of God move in each meeting. Thousands were touched. Many were saved. The crowd was so touched and moved by my messages that at times they just erupted in praise, shouting, singing and crying. We were happy and blessed to see God reward our effort to go to Swaziland with such a mighty outpouring.

The meetings were so great we were asked if we could extend our stay for another 2 weeks. But we couldn't do it because of our schedule. I want to thank all of you intercessors and partners around the world. I believe that part of what's happening is because of your prayer support. We have been blessed to experience the glory of God in every nation we have traveled. 

Ilke speaking in Swaziland

One of the princes of Swaziland

From Swaziland we flew to Brussels where we spoke at a church in Ieper, Christian Center Emmanuel. We are blessed to see people touched by the power of God.

We are excited to go back home to Dallas on June 14th. We have been out of the country for 3 months. We have preached the gospel in Central Europe and Africa. We thank God for his faithfulness to us during these European and African tours. We give Him the glory for all the miracles and salvations that took place.

We will be guest speakers at several conferences in the next couple of weeks. Let's pray for a mighty move of God to touch the United States as we minister the Word of God.

We appreciate your prayers and financial support.

Keep reaching forward in Him.

Many blessings,
Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh