See below for incredible stories of God's power at work and the glory of Jesus Christ being displayed as Dr. Guy and Ilke Peh travel across the nations to win souls and equip the saints.  Visit the Testimonies Archive for past testimonies you may have missed.


Arteries Reconstructed & Blood Flow Restored

Brother Guy:

Pastor Duane has already e-mailed you about my healing. When you prophesied over me that God was going to reconstruct my arteries and fix my blood I knew that it would come to pass. My cousin was also at that meeting and she ask me how I was going to know when I was healed. I told her that I may never know for sure when I am healed unless I would have to have another operation and God would let it be revealed. I just know that I know that I know I'm going to be healed. On May 29.2007 as I was going out the door to go to the hospital my mother started to cry, so I took her in my arm's and told her not to worry because God said that all things happen for the good of those that love the Lord, and you know I love the Lord and maybe he's just going to let me know I'm healed. My doctor waited in his office for me so I would not have to go thru the emergence room at the hospital. After her admitted me he did a angioplasty to get enough blood flow to my leg so I would not lose my leg. All the blockage was in the stent he had put in two years ago. He got just enough blood flow. The next morning was my surgery. My doctor was going to do another bypass, the first hole was cut and as they shot the IVP dye into me he said that the stent was floating up inside the graft. ( In Aug 2001, I had a triple abdominal aorta bypass done.) The graft looks like a Y turned upside the top is grafted into the abdominal aorta and then bottom two parts are grafted one to each leg. My doctor said he had to lasso the end of the stent to pull it out, and that he was afraid the junk that was inside would fall out and cause a lot of problems I did not need, (but Praise be to God not one little particle came out.) He said the stent looked like it had just been put in 5 minutes ago and that it should have been healed into the artery. Stents are permanent. He also said that the area where he had first placed the stent was in better shape now then it was but since he already had the hole cut he would give me a duel exhaust. A little humor of his. Now I know that God has started to reconstruct and to enlarge my arteries just like he promised he would, he also is healing my blood. Now I am just waiting for other promises that God has made me come to pass. And I know that I know that I know they to will come to pass. LET ALL THE PRAISE AND GLORY BE TO GOD.

May God Bless And Keep You Always
Sister Shirley


Arteries Healed

Hey Brother: I just wanted to stop inand share a testimony with you. The last time you were here with us you prophesied over a lady in our church that God would heal her arteries in her leg. What you did not know was that she almost lost her leg once because her arteries are to small and her blood was to thick.

Well Last week she was having problems with her blood flow and was admited tothe hospital. They took her in for surgery and the stint that they had put in her leg before was floating like it had just been put in. Instead of graphting to the leg, it was floating becasue the artery grew larger in diameter and the stint floating was causing the blood not to be able to flow properly.

Shirley is going to the doctor on Tuesday to here from the doctors all the reports. I told her to senf them to me and I would forward them to you.

God is good!!!

Be Blessed
Pastor Duane


Heavy Burden Lifted

Heavy Burden Lifted

First off, God is good. I can't thank Him enough for what He has done in my life. This past Thursday, as you brought forth the message about breaking generational curses at Lighthouse, your words pierced my heart. I came to realize that many of the things I had been struggling with in my life had come from my lineage. I was dealing with both my mother's and my father's demons. The moment you called the congregation up to the altar with that axe in your hand, I knew something monumental was about to take place in my heart. Now, I had been crying before I ever stepped out into the aisle, but the moment I touched that axe, I broke down. I was speechless. I couldn't talk, couldn't sing. There was such an immense amount of breaking going on in my heart and my mind, I was unable to find words. Everything that I had ever struggled with in my life fell off of my body and soul as I wept. For years, I had been told by those around me that I was ugly and fat, and that no one would ever love me because I was a terrible person. I believed the words of my peers, and it caused me to suffer from extreme depressive disorder and anger problems as I grew up. I also was faced with thoughts of suicide and a fear of people that crippled my spiritual walk. However, when I saw how much I resembled my parents in the personality and psychological disorders I carried, a revelation came upon me on that Thursday night. IT wasn't my fault that I struggled with these things. I had inherited them. From that moment, I was determined not to follow the trend of my family, and to break the cycle of despair that I had been trapped in. And sure enough, as I began to receive the things that you were saying, Guy, the walls around my heart came down, and an great and heavy burden was lifted from my chest. Even after only two days, I am continuing to discover how much God has done for me. My mind is clear of distractions, my physical pain is gone, and even my countenance has changed. Others at church and school have noticed the change, and I must say, it's all been for the better. I just want to thank you and your wife for being such an encouragement during my time of breakthrough. I'm very blessed to have met you both, and even more blessed by what God has done since you were here. Thank you so much, both of you!

Steph Winegar

Miracles, Signs and Wonders

Brother Guy and Sister Ilke: What an amazing, awesome, beautiful move of the Holy Spirit and work of God that took place during the meeting here at Lighthouse Christian Fellowship in Millersburg, OH. Brother I came expecting God to do amazingly more than I could ever imagine and I was surly NOT disappointed. The Miracles, Signs and Wonders that took place were, WOW! At the first meeting on Tuesday night (October 10) you had a word of prophesy over my wife and I and the Spirit of God came over us like being hit by an electrical current. You prophesied that doors would be open and while I continue to seek God and wait on God for doors of ministry and preaching to be opened, the very next day a door of healing ministry was opened. While standing in line at a grocery store in the Millersburg area, the cashier remarked to a customer two people ahead of me in line that her back was hurting and it had affected her sense of humor. Immediately, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, I stretched out my hands toward her and began to pray and I asked God specifically to remove her pain and to restore her laughter and sense of humor. The lady next to me looked at me as if I were crazy as I prayed but Praise God Brother, by the time it was my turn to check out, the Cashier remarked to another customer that she felt a tingle in her back and the pain was "all of a sudden" gone and by the time I completed check out, she was laughing and joking around again, praise God!! Then Thursday night during the service, as I was experiencing God in worship, the power of the Holy Spirit came on me starting at the top of my feet and going down to my toes and immediately I began to speak in tongues and Friday afternoon sitting in my home office the power of The Holy Spirit was so strong that I was weeping and again praying and speaking in tongues that continued through the prayer meeting Sunday morning and the worship and preaching. WOW! I praise God for you and your wife and ministry and the powerful visitation that came upon the House here in Millersburg. I told my wife after Tuesday night that we would never be the same again, and we are not, Praise God. I came out of a religious system of tradition and man's will a while back and originally came to Millersburg to Pastor another church on the other side of town. There were literally demons in that church and the spirit of satan was so strong there it actually scared me. But I preached like I was led by God's Spirit and I preached on the power of the cross and the power of the Holy Spirit and the demons could not take it and filled others and got rid of us. I questioned God about it, seeking a sign that I had done my best. When we first came to Lighthouse, Pastor Larry prophesied in various messages and God confirmed that we were not to blame. Well Brother, Sunday morning, things you said in your message gave us double confirmation about that situation and praise God for the first time since the middle of June of this year I am FREE, I am free praise God, from the burden of that situation and I know that God is taking us to a higher level, to the next level to be part of a breakout generation and that God is about to do far more than we could imagine in our lives, ministry and in my preaching. Praise God! My wife and I love you guys and praise God for you and your ministry! Have a Jesus Filled Day.

Brian Moser


Cancer Healed and Report Estonia

Dear Guy!

I just wanted to take time to thank you once again for you coming to Estonia.

I have had my phone ringing constantly and mostly pastors and Christian leaders are calling and expressing their thanks for the conference. It really put something on the move all around Estonia. Those calls are like waves that this conference created. Even a local non-christian newspaper put your photo and a very positive story in yesterday. Longer article will be on Saturday. This is a great miracle itself, because they are very negative usually about evangelical Christians.

One pastor called yesterday and gave a witness about one lady called Maarika. She listened to the conference by the radio. She had several operations for cancer and now the doctor had diagnosed a cancer again. But as she listened, she put her hand on a cancer and said: "God heal me too if you do exist!" And just yesterday she went to the doctor and there was no cancer whatsoever. Glory be to God!

We were together yesterday with the organisers and we were so thankful to God for what He did. Everything was so great. We were all sensing the same: WE NEED TO DO IT AGAIN!!!! So if you can look please your schedule for the next year first part of May, and reserve time?

Thank you again
May God bless you and have a rest too
Pastor Neemo Raasik


Revival Report at Fire Conference - Port Elizabeth, South Africa

What a conference we had! THE FIRE CONFERENCE was named by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The name inspired the conference and we experience fire in our church like we have never experienced before. I have never seen people so hungry for God - many of whom are newly saved.

It all started when Pastor Jimmy decided to invite Dr. Guy Peh and Pastor Jacques van der Westhuizen to come and minister at this conference. He also decided that the conference should be called THE FIRE CONFERENCE ... Both Guy and Jacques are young men with a tremendous anointing upon their lives. Both of them operate with boldness and gifting which is from God.

Guy had a supernatural visitation the Sunday morning just before he had to come to church and this visitation continued throughout the meetings. Monday morning with a full Covenant Centre Guy ministered powerfully and led the whole congregation to travail before God. It was amazing to see and feel that when men stop being in charge how God supernaturally takes over. From that point on the conference turned to from being just another good, excellent, well-attended and ordinary conference to THE FIRE CONFERENCE, a conference inspired and led by the Holy Spirit with heavenly visitations.

Jacques is an outstanding fired up preacher with a powerful anointing to lead the people to experience more of God than they thought was possible.....people were running around the church and praising the Lord - some just sat watching but never left the church. The anointing was amazing!

Last night marked the finale of the conference.... but what a night! It was a night of the Supernatural. 95% of the congregation were on their feet marching, some crying, some laughing - suddenly drums filled the air when Gideon, led by the Spirit started playing a march.... trumpets, shofar and other music items joined and we really partied with the God!

Guy never preached but stayed sensitive to the spirit of God ..... Pastor Jimmy and Pastor Mariana stood waiting on the Lord. It was outstanding and words cannot describe what happened in WORD OF FAITH during THE FIRE CONFERENCE. But this I know, this church stepped into another realm with God!

This happened because of the unity in our church said Pastor Jimmy last night after the meeting. He also said that the G12 vision brought about a true sense of belonging and unity which was evident in the attendance and in the attitudes of the people. It is great to have a senior pastor couple who loves the move of God and is sensitive to the heart of God.