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Cancer Healed and Report Estonia

Dear Guy!

I just wanted to take time to thank you once again for you coming to Estonia.

I have had my phone ringing constantly and mostly pastors and Christian leaders are calling and expressing their thanks for the conference. It really put something on the move all around Estonia. Those calls are like waves that this conference created. Even a local non-christian newspaper put your photo and a very positive story in yesterday. Longer article will be on Saturday. This is a great miracle itself, because they are very negative usually about evangelical Christians.

One pastor called yesterday and gave a witness about one lady called Maarika. She listened to the conference by the radio. She had several operations for cancer and now the doctor had diagnosed a cancer again. But as she listened, she put her hand on a cancer and said: "God heal me too if you do exist!" And just yesterday she went to the doctor and there was no cancer whatsoever. Glory be to God!

We were together yesterday with the organisers and we were so thankful to God for what He did. Everything was so great. We were all sensing the same: WE NEED TO DO IT AGAIN!!!! So if you can look please your schedule for the next year first part of May, and reserve time?

Thank you again
May God bless you and have a rest too
Pastor Neemo Raasik

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