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Arteries Healed

Hey Brother: I just wanted to stop inand share a testimony with you. The last time you were here with us you prophesied over a lady in our church that God would heal her arteries in her leg. What you did not know was that she almost lost her leg once because her arteries are to small and her blood was to thick.

Well Last week she was having problems with her blood flow and was admited tothe hospital. They took her in for surgery and the stint that they had put in her leg before was floating like it had just been put in. Instead of graphting to the leg, it was floating becasue the artery grew larger in diameter and the stint floating was causing the blood not to be able to flow properly.

Shirley is going to the doctor on Tuesday to here from the doctors all the reports. I told her to senf them to me and I would forward them to you.

God is good!!!

Be Blessed
Pastor Duane

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