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Annual Report - December 2007

Dear Friends

We want to thank God for all the victories that He has given us this year. This year has been a tremendous year in our ministry. By God's grace we were able to preach the gospel in 14 nations. Many were saved and many were healed. With our Bridge of Hope outreach, we were able to provide assistance to different pastors and help the poor in indigenous areas around the world.

Through our intercessors from different countries in the Prayer Shield Network, we were able to pray for hundreds of prayer requests from around the world and to see God's power move and bring miraculous breakthrough.

Through our website we were able to reach people in more than 70 countries, which includes Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Pakistan, China, Russia, Indonesia and much more. Our website received over 60,000 page impressions this year. That's why we decided to launch a weekly devotion and a web TV program on our website in 2008 so that the Word of God can be spread.

We want to thank all our intercessors, partners, friends around the world, pastor Mieke and Jezus Levend Water, our pastors Mike & Vicki Hankins, our church family Church in the City, special thanks to Kay for standing with us in everything. Thank you Kay, we couldn't have done it without you. We appreciate you so much.

We give all the glory to the Almighty God who gave us His grace and mercy to be His mouthpiece to the nations.

2008 looks very exciting. We will be ministering the gospel in 15 countries. To see our full schedule you can click on the itinerary link.

We ask you to pray about becoming a monthly partner with Reconciliation Ministries International. To find out more, click on the donation link.

Picture 1: Altar call in Finland.

Picture 2: Miracle crusade in Manzini, Swaziland.

Picture 3: Crutches left behind, trophies of God's glory!

Picture 4: Miracle service in Las Vegas.

We always enjoy hearing from you. Keep reaching forward in Him.

Many blessings,
Guy & Ilke