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News update February 2008 - Ohio

Dear Friends:

We hope this email finds you well. We just want to encourage whatever you are dealing with today. We hope these words lift your spirit and give you strength to press on.

This Too Shall Pass
Don't let your troubles get you down. Genghis Khan, the 13th century Mongol conqueror, asked his philosophers to come up with a truth that would always be unchangeable. Thinking on it for a while, they came to their leaders with this quote: "It too shall pass."

This reminds me of a dear lady who was asked by her pastor what her favorite verse of Scripture was and she said: "And it came to pass." God in His mercy never gives us more than we are able to bear.


Revival Service in Mansfield.

Some thoughts about perseverance:

There aren't any hard-and-fast rules for getting ahead in the world-just hard ones.
You don't have to lie awake nights to succeed. Just stay awake days.
There is no poverty that can overtake diligence.
By perseverance the snail reached the Ark.

Ohio report:
We had a great season of ministry in Ohio last month. We want to thank all of our intercessors on the prayer shield network. The meetings were dynamic and powerful. Many were saved, healed and delivered. We preached the gospel in 5 churches in 4 cities for 3 weeks in February.

Ohio has a special place in our hearts and God is increasing the influence of our ministry in that region. It was good to spend some time with our friends in the area. In spite of the difficult weather with snowstorms at times and heavy rain people came out expecting God to move.


Altar Call in Journey of Life Center in Mansfield


Ilke speaking at "Woman You ArePrecious" Meeting

Miracle Service in Cathedral of Life in Canton


Miracle Service at Lighthouse in Millersburg 

We were very blessed to see the hunger that many people have for God in that region. Our hearts were touched by that. I remember one particular night, one of the pastors was thinking about canceling one of the meetings in his church because of a bad weather report in the news, but people came out in great numbers despite of the bad weather. We saw a lot of healing and miracles.

We want to thank pastor Larry and Loretta for facilitating our trip.

We appreciate all your prayers and support.

Keep reaching forward in Him.

Ilke & Guy