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News Update - March 2008

Dear Friends:

As we remember and celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord, let's not forget the way of the cross.

 Some of us stay at the cross - some of us wait at the tomb.  Quickened and raised with Christ yet lingering still in the gloom.  If the Christ who died had stopped at the cross, His work would have been incomplete.  If the Christ who was buried had stayed in the tomb, He had only known defeat; but the way of the cross never stops at the cross and the way of the tomb leads on to victorious grace in the heavenly place where the risen Lord has gone.

Miracle meeting in Temecula CA

Altar call in California

California and Cedar Park report:

We had a great time of ministry in Temecula, California. There was a mighty outpouring of the Spirit of God. Many were touched and many were healed. There was a great visitation of God with the operation of the gifts of the Spirit.  Among the many healings that took place, one woman was healed of ringing of her ears that she had since 1974.  We were happy to see people getting saved and getting right with God at every service.  We had a great time of fellowship with the pastors and the staff; they are so gracious and loving.

Ilke speaking at lady's meeting in California

After California we ministered in Cedar Park, Texas at Worship Life, a church plant with a lot of great potential in the future.  Cedar Park is a new developing area with a great need for revival.  I believe that God is raising Worship Life to be the gate of heaven to that city.  Pastor Stephen and Kim have a passion to see their city impacted with worship.  Their church website is have launched a web TV. It has been overwhelming to see people from all over the world watching the Word of God preached.  According to our website statistics in the last 3 weeks, we had viewers from 50 countries.  Let's pray that God's word will bear fruit in the people’s lives. 

Many were healed in CA

We have just arrived in Europe.  We will be out of the USA for the next 3 months preaching the gospel in Central Europe and in Africa.  Please keep us in your prayers. 

We appreciate your prayers and support.


Keep reaching forward in Him.

Many blessings,
Ilke & Guy