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News Update from Singapore & Malaysia - October 2007

Dear Friends,

We just returned from a great trip to Southeast Asia, Singapore and Malaysia.

We began our journey 3 weeks ago when we flew to Japan and then to Singapore. In Singapore we were part of a gathering of evangelists from Asia organized by Christ For All Nations, the ministry of evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. I was invited to share and encourage evangelists. We also spoke in 2 churches, Charis and Paradise of God, and at Bethany International University.

Our meetings in Singapore were powerful and God confirmed His Word with signs and wonders. The president of the university wrote me an email where he said that the students enjoyed my teaching on Open Heaven very much. He also gave me an invitation to come and speak for one week at the university next year. Our time in Singapore was very strategic. We met with some key leaders in the nation and got to know a lot of people that became our friends. People in Singapore are very nice and hospitable. God is opening some great doors for us next year. We are very excited.
Picture 1: Miracle service at Grace Assembly in Malaysia.

Picture 2: Altar call in Malaysia.

Picture 3: Woman that was healed. Miracle moment: During our meeting at Holy Fire, when the glory of God came down, this woman supernaturally lost 10 pounds. Her abdomen became smaller and lost several inches in her waistline. Her pants became so big that she had to hold them to walk. Praise God!

Picture 4: Miracle service at Charis church in Singapore.

Picture 5: Miracle service at Harvest Community Church in Malaysia.

From Singapore we went to Malaysia where we began a marathon of 20 meetings in 11 days. We ministered both in the marketplace and in churches.

In the marketplace we had 3 meetings organized by the FGBMF, Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship and one meeting at the Maybank Tentmakers. All our meetings in the marketplace were very well attended and very powerful. Many leaders of different chapters told us that it was the best attendance they ever had.

We also did a series of meetings in 8 different churches. The meetings were very powerful. The teachings I did were very new to many. A lot of people expressed their gratitude for our coming. God moved powerfully, many were saved and healed.

Keep the church in Malaysia in prayer. I see a lot of spiritual and doctrinal challenges. We thank God for all He has done and we give Him all the glory.

Many thanks to Wilson and Pastor Chris for organizing our trip to Malaysia.

We are happy to be home for 5 days before we go to Belgium next week for 10 days. Please keep us in your prayers. Our 2008 schedule is available on our website. The year is full until December. We thank God for all the doors He has opened.

Keep reaching forward in Him.

Many blessings,
Guy & Ilke