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2008 - Annual Report 

Dear Friends,

We thank God for the wonderful year He blessed us with in 2008. As you go through our annual report, I just want to encourage you to trust God in 2009. Many times we ask God to provide for us, but do we trust Him to decide what and how much we really need? In a day where we celebrate "no limits", dare we invite God to establish limits in our lives? Frankly, if we have risked trusting ourselves, it should be easy to trust God. He has a much better record of faithfulness than we do. God has never overcommitted or under-delivered. He has never been motivated by selfish ambition or greed. He is just and generous; wise and patient. God knows the future and understands our past. In every moment, He fully comprehends what is best for us. Let's trust Him. 

It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65: 24

We want to give all the glory to God for what He did through our ministry in 2008. We had a fabulous year! We were able to preach the gospel around the world on 5 continents in 12 nations. We traveled and ministered 11-1/2 months out of 12 reaching the world with the love of Jesus Christ with a message of power, signs and wonders through church services, leadership conferences, mission trips, miracle crusades, training seminars and social outreaches.

Many signs and wonders took place in 2008 in our meetings. We remember the boy in Brazil that was blind and could see. We also remember the woman that attended one of our services in the bible school in the Ukraine that had a tumor and went to the bathroom after the service and the tumor came out about the size of a golf ball and she was completely healed.

In Malaysia we received a testimony about our previous trip there about a man that was diagnosed with cancer and given 6 days to live and was completely healed after I received a word of knowledge, even though he was not in the service but his relative was. Many deaf and people with ringing in their ears were healed. We see God doing this a lot in our ministry. There were many more healings that took place, for more testimonies click on the testimony link above. We saw thousands getting right with God.

Through our social outreach, we sponsored a lot of indigenous pastors that do not receive help from anyone. We built water wells in poor villages in Africa.

Our book 'Keys to Receiving Your Miracles' has taken the nations by storm and is now in its second print after only being released in November 2008. If you wish to get a copy, you can order it at the teachings link above. We are currently working on our second book to be ready by the end of 2009.

Picture 1: Miracle Crusade in Swaziland

Picture 2: Miracle Rally in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Picture 3: Prayer Conference in the Philippines

Picture 4: Praying for the the Fire of God in Santiago City, the Philippines

On our web-TV we had viewers from more than a hundred nations. It's amazing that 24 hours a day we are preaching the Gospel around the world. Countries where people watched our program from this month:

Singapore, Belgium, Japan, South Africa, Ghana, Finland, Italy, Mexico, Czech Republic, Poland, Malaysia, Luxemburg, Netherlands, USA, Russia, France, Germany, Brazil, Pakistan, Australia, Chile, Sweden, UK, Canada, Moldova, New Zealand, Argentina, Slovak Republic, China, Indonesia, India, Austria, Columbia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Israel, Denmark, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Portugal, Greece, Spain, Kenya, Iran, Morocco, Algeria, Ukraine, Ivory Coast, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Hong Kong, France, Slovenia, Taiwan, Niue, Lithuania, Hungary, Fiji, Norway, Philippines, Uganda, Turkey, Oman, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Romania, Ireland, Scotland, Cyprus, Jordan, Denmark, Estonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Benin, Niger, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Yemen, Ecuador, South Korea, Togo, Yugoslavia, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Paraguay, Vietnam, Dominican Republic, Iceland, Latvia, United Arab Emirates, Namibia, Cocos Islands, Egypt, Somalia, Seychelles, Azerbaijan, Kuwait, ?..

We want to thank our faithful partners for their financial support; you are in the nations with us. This is your partnership at work.

We want to thank our intercessors on the prayer shield network and anyone else that prays for us. No prayer, no power. We ask you to consider becoming our partner with your finances and/or prayers.

2009 looks great, our year calendar is full with the Holy Ghost agenda for 2009.

We love to hear from you.

Keep reaching forward in Him.
Many blessings,

Dr. Guy & Ilke