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News Update - November 2008 : Malaysia

Dear Friends:

We need to learn to live in God's presence. Sometimes we whisper, shaking our heads in disbelief: "God, with all due respect, You either have the wrong person or Your  timing is way off." But His will keeps pressing on our hearts, calling us to dream with Him again, calling us to do the impossible. "Maybe in the past or in the future" perhaps if I had more experience or fewer birthdays, possibly if I possessed greater gifts or lighter responsibilities or ... ". Our excuses are endless. But God does not expect us to evaluate the unknown future and calmly conclude that it is manageable. He is not asking us to place our abilities on one side of the scale and His calling on the other and declare that they balance. They do not balance and they never will! So if not in a sober, reasonable, accurate estimation of our attitude, what does God expect us to hold on to in order to risk following Him into the unknown? His presence!! His calling always includes His presence. Whatever you do. Do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Miracle service in Grace Assembly PJ, Malaysia.

We just completed our time of ministry in Malaysia. The last 12 days have been amazing as we conducted miracle services in 4 different cities. Many gave their lives to Jesus and many were healed. So many were stirred up to press into the things of God. Many testified of being healed last year in our miracle services: a man was given 3 months to live and was completely healed of cancer. A lady was healed of an incurable disease that caused her immune system not to function. The doctors said she could never be healed. She was declared completely healed by the doctors. We are so blessed to see the fruits of our trip last year. This year a woman testified of being healed of 5 years of deafness in 1 ear. Another man had ringing in his ears for 6 years and was healed.  A woman was delivered from witchcraft, she had this oppression for the last 3 years. She couldn't sleep at night and felt as somebody was putting needles in her chest. I received a word of knowledge about her situation on Sunday. I prayed and broke the power of witchcraft over her. She went home and slept for the first time in 3 years without pain in her chest and the swollen veins her chest disappeared. We were so glad to see the power of God move. Many were healed of different sicknesses and diseases.

Altar call In Klang, Malaysia.

Signing books in Malaysia.

We thank God and give him all the glory for what He did in Malaysia. This country is very dark spiritually - please keep it in your prayers. By law in Malaysia, you can not preach to muslims and it is one of the largest muslim countries outside the Middle East. The Christian minority is often discriminated.

Miracle service in PJ Malaysia.

Special thanks to Wilson for facilitating our ministry in Malaysia.

Thank you all intercessors for praying for us - we could really feel your prayers in our meetings. We had a such an open heaven at every turn.

Continue to pray for us. We are currently in the Philippines.

Keep reaching forward in Him.

Many blessings,
Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh