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News Update - February 2009 : USA / Brazil

Dear friends

Success is seldom achieved by people who contemplate the possibility of failure." William Feather

Why should we contemplate it? We have an incredible God to support us. He is more than equal to any crisis or difficulty in this world! We are told, "With God nothing shall be impossible." "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the hearts of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him." All difficulties can be overcome by filling our minds with God's thoughts. That is how we gain His perspective and are able to use our minds correctly and positively rather than negatively. Instead of dwelling upon your troubles, affirm that God is helping you this very minute. Practice living with Christ, talk to Him, He is right there with you. Soon you will be flooded with a healing sense of peace. The old negative thought patterns that brought you down will pass away and all things - life, energy, vitality and a passion for living - will become new to you.

 Since January 2009 we traveled to 11 cities in 6 states in the USA (Florida, North Carolina, Texas, California, Ohio and Oklahoma). We have been experiencing the power of God in an amazing way. We were so blessed to see lives touched, many people rededicating their lives to Christ, people saved and believers refreshed. I have been preaching on the Kingdom of God, encouraging the body of Christ to allow the Kingdom of God to impose itself over their reality in the midst of difficult times. 

We just came back from an incredible trip to Brazil. We were there during the carnival where millions of people celebrate and party "Mardi Gras" style, except that it's much worse. Thank God for leaders in the Body of Christ like Apostle Sergio that received a vision to make a stand against the powers of darkness during the carnival. While most Christians will leave the city to avoid the festivities that go with the carnival, he organized a 64-hour event of non-interrupted meetings; this event is called "Shake Sao Paulo" with day and night preaching, worship and intercession. It was a life changing event. Thousands of people attended the meetings day and night; they had over 1 million visitors during the event. I was one of the guest speakers; the power of God was like electricity during my time of ministry. We saw God touch many. We were also able to take testimonies - the blind received their sight, the deaf heard, the lame walked, tumors disappeared and many were healed from other sicknesses. We were so blessed and grateful to the Lord that did such a mighty work through our ministry. We were told that while I was preaching over 70,000 people listened to my message on the radio and the Apostle said he received so many phone calls from pastors, leaders and people regarding my message. They said that our meeting was the climax of the event. We are so thankful to God for what He did. This event is held every year and we have received a lifetime invitation.


After "Shake Sao Paulo", we ministered in different churches, including a gathering with 600 pastors. The pastors were so excited about my message about how you can be a good "donkey" for Jesus. My preaching was often interrupted by cheers and laughs. On this trip we took our assistant Diane and Pastor Matt and we had a great time together. We want to thank our fellow "donkeys" in Brazil, Arthur and Wellington, they are awesome!

Picture 1: Guy preaching at Shake Sao Paulo Brazil

Picture 2: Miracle moment at Shake Sao Paulo, a deaf woman can hear.

Picture 3:Ilke encouraging people at Shake Sao Paulo.

Picture 4: Guy praying for 600 pastors in Brazil.         


We are excited to leave for Mexico on Wednesday and at the end of the month we will be going to Europe. We will be traveling extensively for 2 months. Keep us in your prayers.

Keep reaching forward in Him.

Many blessings,
Dr. Guy & Ilke Peh