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Annual Report 2010

Dear Friends

We wish you the best of heaven in 2011! 

In the eleventh year, in the first month, on the seventh of the month, the word of the Lord came to me saying, "Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt  ~ Ezekiel 30 : 20 – 21a

As we are entering this new decade, expect God to break every bondage in your life: spiritually, economically, physically, socially and mentally and to stop every evil plan or scheme against your life.

Expect healing!  Expect wealth transfer! Expect joy!  Expect good health!  Expect peace!  Expect breakthrough!  Expect new life!  Expect miracles!

May this year be a year of expansion, glory and power.  God has great things planned for all of our lives this year.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ~ Jeremiah 29 : 11 

God is not limited by our limitations, but can be limited by our expectation.  What are you expecting this year?  Expectation releases the power of God when you believe Him for a miracle.   Expectation and anticipation create the spiritual atmosphere for miracles.  Evangelist Oral Roberts once said that we should “expect a miracle every day.”  The word, “expect”, means to look forward to the probable occurrence or appearance of; to anticipate in thought.  There’s a Chinese proverb that says that: He that expects nothing shall not be disappointed.  

2010 was an incredible year full of adventure with the Lord.  We preached the gospel in 15 nations, we saw thousands coming to Christ and getting their life right with God.  We also saw thousands being encouraged in their faith and equipped.  We saw God perform many unusual miracles.

With our social outreach, ‘Bridge of Hope’, we were able to change lives by building water wells, providing food and shelter, help buy materials for church buildings, sponsor schools, buy bibles for those in need in poor nations, and many other things. 

Our new book, ‘You Too Can Be Used By God’ was released this year and the book ‘Keys to Receiving Your Miracles’ was translated and released in Chinese, Estonian, Finnish and Russian.

Through our apostolic ministry we continue to minister to pastors and leaders around the world at a growing pace.  The ministry is rapidly growing and we are thankful that we have been able to preach the gospel in over 65 nations on 6 continents.

We would have never been able to do all of this without God’s power, strength, favor and blessings.  We want to give God all the glory!   He is able and awesome! 

We also couldn’t have done it without our partners; it’s because of your financial support that we are able to impact the nations.  You are a part of the harvest of this ministry.  We love and appreciate you!

We also couldn’t have done it without our intercessors.  No prayer… no power.  Lots of prayer… lots of power!  Thank God for all the intercessors on the prayer shield network, F 16 and all the people and different churches that are praying for us. 

We are very excited for 2011.  It’s going to be even a greater year.  We expect to move from faith to faith, from glory to glory.  We are going to start the year with ‘Mission America’, preaching the gospel in 15 cities in America then off to Hong Kong and China, The rest of our schedule can be found on our website on the itinerary link.  We are also planning to go to Africa: South Africa, Zambia and Ghana; Eastern Europe: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; Western Europe: Scotland, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Finland, England; and South East Asia: Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India. 

We also have many social programs planned with our ‘Bridge of Hope’; we plan to help the disadvantaged in the following nations: Sri Lanka, Senegal, Sudan, Egypt, Slovakia, as well as other nations. 

Picture 1:  Water well that we build in a village of Senegal!  'Bridge of Hope' project.  

Picture 2:  Miracle Rally in Maleka, Malaysia

Picture 3:  Article in Charisma Magazine in the Netherlands

Picture 4:  Miracle service at the Jesus Dome in Durban, South Africa  

We want to ask you to prayerfully consider becoming a partner with us in 2011.   You can give by cash, credit card, check or wire transfer.  Your support of any kind is welcome and appreciated.

Love and blessings, 

Dr. Guy & Ilke