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News update October 2010: Look to the East Tour: Singapore and Malaysia

Dear Friends

God wants you to enlarge!

Enlargement means to expand, to increase, to give greater scope to or to set free.   Enlargement is about expansion: the expansion of purpose, power, influence and ministry. 

Isaiah 54 : 2 – 3

Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes.  For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited.

Anything that stops growing starts dying.  Anyone who stops pressing forward to gain new heights starts losing ground.   This is just as true for life in the Spirit and life in the flesh. 

You will find out that even professional athlete, at the heights of their career will seek out a coach and take time to revamp their game.  Their goal is to become better than they already are.  Increase can come on purpose with purposeful intentions - that’s the attitude of a champion, may it be yours as well. 

What we learn in 2 Kings 4 from the Shunamite woman is THE POWER OF ENLARGEMENT.  She had a vision for something she did not have a house for.  The place in which she dwelled was too small.  Her vision was greater than her capacity.  For her to experience something that she had a heart for, she had to break walls of limitation to increase her capacity.  She had to ENLARGE.  When she enlarged, something became possible in one space that was impossible in another space.  Her barrenness eventually was broken when she made room for the anointing in her life by breaking limitations.  Her enlargement was on the outside, but most people’s enlargement must be on the inside.  You have to come out of barrenness.  Barrenness means the absence of life and the inability to reproduce.  But God specializes in bringing life out of barrenness.


It’s time for you to enlarge and break every limitation.  God wants you to enjoy miracle and supernatural living.

The above is an excerpt from my message: Enlargement.   If you are interested in hearing the entire message, you can order a CD or DVD and enjoy this life changing message.

Picture 1: Ilke speaking at Miracle Rally at Calvary English Church in Maleka, Malaysia

Picture 2:  City Mission Church in Singapore

Picture 3:  Miracle service at Calvary Chinese Church in Maleka, Malaysia

Picture 4:  Full Gospel business men's banquet outreach in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


We just returned from an amazing time of ministry in Singapore and Malaysia.  We spent one month preaching the gospel in Asia.  In Singapore we started with a dinner banquet outreach where we shared the gospel and saw people receiving salvation and a touch of God.  We also did two men’s seminars: ‘Men, Fight For Your Marriage’.  It was great to see many men getting right with God and making a commitment to be men of God and serve the purpose of God in their generation.  We got a lot of personal feedback from men who attended these meetings; they were very grateful and ready to fight for their marriage.  We had some great Holy Ghost meetings and miracle services in different churches in Singapore.  We also ministered at various chapters of the Full Gospel Business Men.  Ilke spoke at women’s chapters while I spoke at men’s chapters.


We enjoyed our time of fellowship with special friends in Singapore.  Special thanks to Georgie and Dave for making this trip great.

From Singapore we traveled to Malaysia where we ministered at a series of different events organized by the Full Gospel Business Men.  It was a great time to see many businessmen and woman impacted by the Word of God in this marketplace ministry as we taught them how to apply Kingdom principles in their life and business.   I also spoke at a Happy Men’s outreach banquet where many gave their life to Jesus.  We also ministered in different churches in Maleka and the Kuala Lumpur area.  It was a great time of demonstration of God’s power with many getting healed and saved.  We are so thankful to God for all He did and for His faithfulness.  We want to give Him all the glory.  Special thanks to Wilson, Edmond, Kenny and Tan Tek for facilitating our ministry trip in Malaysia.    Thanks to all our partners and intercessors - it’s because of your support we are able to reach and impact the nations.

Our next ministry assignment takes us to Europe at the end of this week. 

Continue to reach forward in Him.

Love and blessings

Dr. Guy & Ilke