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Newsupdate Hong Kong - Macau

Dear Friends

Greetings from Europe!  We want to wish you a very blessed Easter. 

As we celebrate Easter I want to share this story with you.   Back in the 1800s, a young Englishman traveled to California in search of gold.  After several months of prospecting, he struck it rich.  On his way home, he stopped in New Orleans.  Not long into his visit, he came upon a crowd of people all looking in the same direction.  Approaching the crowd, he recognized that they had gathered for a slave auction.  Slavery had been outlawed in England for years, so this young man’s curiosity drew him to watch as a person became someone else’s property.  He heard “Sold!” just as he joined the crowd.  A middle-aged black man was taken away.

Next a beautiful young black girl was pushed up onto the platform and made the walk around so everyone could see her.  The miner heard vile jokes and comments that spoke of evil intentions from those around him.  Men were laughing as their eyes remained fixed on this new item for sale. 

The bidding began.  Within a minute, the bids surpassed what most slave owners would pay for a black girl.  As the bidding continued higher and higher, it was apparent that two men wanted her.  In between their bids, they laughed about what they were going to do with her, and how the other one would miss out.  The miner stood silent as anger welled up inside of him.  Finally, one man bid a price that was beyond the reach of the other.  The girl looked down.  The auctioneer called out, “Going once!  Going twice!”

Just before the final call, the miner yelled out a price that was exactly twice the previous bid, an amount that exceeded the worth of any man.  The crowd laughed, thinking that the miner was only joking, wishing that he could have the girl himself.  The auctioneer motioned to the miner to come and show his money.  The miner opened up the bag of gold he had brought for the trip.  The auctioneer shook his head in disbelief as he waved the girl over to him.

The girl walked down the steps of the platform until she was eye-to-eye with the miner.  She spat straight in his face and said through clenched teeth, “I hate you!”  The miner, without a word, wiped his face, paid the auctioneer, took the girl by the hand, and walked away from the still-laughing crowd.

He seemed to be looking for something in particular as they walked up one street and down another.  Finally he stopped in front of some sort of store, though the slave girl did not know what type of store it was.  She waited outside as the dirty-faced miner went inside and started talking to an elderly man.  She couldn’t make out what they were talking about.  At one point the voices got louder, and she overheard the store clerk say, “But it’s the law!  It’s the law!”  Peering in, she saw the miner pull out his bag of gold and pour what was left of it on the table.  With what seemed like a look of disgust, the clerk picked up the gold and went back in the room.  He came out with a piece of paper, and both he and the miner signed it. 

The young girl looked away as the miner came out the door.  Stretching out his hand, he said to the girl, “Here are your emancipation papers.  You are free.”  The girl did not look up.  He tried again. “Here.  These are papers that say you are free.  Take them.”  “I hate you!” the girl said, refusing to look up.  “Why do you make fun of me?”  “No, listen” he pleaded.  “These are your freedom papers.  You are a free person.”  The girl looked at the papers, then looked at him, and looked at the papers once again.  “You just bought me…and now, you’re setting me free?”  “That’s why I bought you.  I bought you to set you free.”  The beautiful young girl fell to her knees in front of the miner, tears streaming down her face.  “You bought me to set me free!  You bought me to set me free!” she said over and over.  The miner said nothing.  Clutching his muddy boots, the girl looked up at the miner and said, “All I want to do is to serve you- because you bought me to set me free!”

As we celebrate Easter, let’s not forget what Jesus did for us.  At one time we were all salves to sin and to death.  But Christ came to redeem us, to pay for our freedom.  He bought us with His own blood, that we might be free.  “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed… but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.”  1 Peter 1 : 18, 19

We just finished an amazing time of ministry in Asia.  We ministered in Hong Kong and Macau.  The ‘Rise up Mighty Warrior Conference’ was attended by delegates from 35 states from mainland China.  The services were filled with the power of God and the anointing.  In the Saturday night miracle service, during the preaching people started running to the altar and knelt down and started to cry before God!  What a hunger and passion!  The altar call was filled and the Holy Spirit was ministering to people as they were weeping and crying before God.  God did great things.  Many testified of being healed.  It was a wonderful birthday present for me to be able to minister all day to Chinese people.  God gave me a vision 6 years ago about the East.  I call it “Look to the East’.  He’s faithful. One of the miracles that took place was a man at the hospital in Inner-Mongolia; he planned to come to the meetings but fell sick with a cancerous tumor in the colon and was admitted in the hospital.   His wife came to the meetings, I laid hands on her and we sent the Word of healing to Mongolia.  We received the following testimony few days later:

Dear Hugo, brothers & sisters in Christ,

Peace be with you all.  I would like to inform you of a miracle.  Praise the Lord that God has healed the cancer at my anal.  This has just been confirmed by anorectal experts in China.  They operate a very simple one minute minimally invasive minor surgery on me on site and testified that the tumor has incredibly reduced from a soybean size to a rice grain size and the tumor was benign. Halleluyah! Praise the Lord, victory and glory to our Almighty God! I also like to thank you, Dr. Guy and Ilke who laid hands on my wife and pray for me and also all brothers and sisters who pray for me.  My sincere thanks to you all.

Your brother from Mongolia


We also ministered in different churches in Hong Kong where we had some powerful services with many getting healed and saved.

I also traveled to the island of Macau where we had an awesome youth rally.  Many Chinese young people were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Let’s continue to pray for revival in Japan - we passed through Japan twice, on our way back we experienced an earthquake.  It was a scary moment but we were fine.

We thank God for His power and faithfulness.

We are currently in Europe.  We are starting a series of ministry vents in different nations. 

Keep us in your prayers.

Love and blessings

Guy & Ilke