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Newsupdate: June - August: Europe - USA - Africa

Dear Friends

The last few months have been amazing as we preached the gospel in Norway, England, Scotland, Belgium, South Africa and the USA.  Below is a little word of encouragement and our ministry report.

The queen of England often visits Bob Morrow Castle.  On one occasion when she was walking by herself, it started to rain.  She rushed to the shelter of the nearest cottage.  A lady came to the door who was really ticked off that someone would bother her at that time in the morning.  She opened the door a few inches and barked, “What do you want?”  The queen didn’t introduce herself.  She merely asked, “May I borrow an umbrella?”  “Just a minute,” grumbled the woman.  She slammed the door, was gone for a moment, and returned bringing the rattiest umbrella she could find, one with broken ribs and small holes.  She pushed it through the door and said, “Here”.  The queen of England thanked her and went on her way with the ragged umbrella.  The next morning, the queen’s full escort, dressed in full uniform, pulled up in front of the cottage.  One of the escorts knocked on the door and returned the umbrella to the woman saying, “Madam, the Queen of England thanks you.”  As he walked away he heard her mutter, “If I’d only known, I’d have given her my best.”

Because God loved us, He gave us His very best - His Son. (John 3: 16).  Can we give Him anything less than our best?  We don’t want to give Him the scraps, the leftovers, whatever costs us the least.  He deserves the best.

We spent the month of May in Europe.  We had an amazing time in Scotland, England, Norway and Belgium.  We did a supernatural training seminar in Hamilton, Scotland and a miracle service in Glasgow, Scotland.  In Norway we trained leaders from different churches and had some revival meetings in Frederikstad.  We also ministered in Manchester and London.

After our tour in Europe we came back to the USA and ministered at Mark Hankins Ministries Campmeeting.

We spent 3 weeks of July in South Africa ministering in Cape Town, Phoenix and Durban.   We also had a great time of fellowship with many friends.

After our great tour in South Africa we went to Belgium.  We ministered at Ilke’s home church and also ministered at an outreach where many Slovakian gypsies are ministered to.

In the month of August we will be ministering in the USA and preparing to leave to minister in the Far East in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia in September.

Your prayers and financial support is appreciated and welcome.

Continue to reach forward in Him!

Every blessing,

Guy & Ilke