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Newsupdate October Finland: Helsinki – Malmi – Kopio – Varkaus – Hervanta - Kotka

Dear friends

Greetings from Finland.   

Happiness is the fragrance of an obedient life.  Happiness is feeling good about the happenings in your life.  Do not confuse this with popularity, which simply means others feel good about you.  But what you think about yourself, your character, and your own accomplishments determines your real sense of worth and value.  I hate to see people unhappy.  I don’t like to see people hurting inside.  “I don’t know what is wrong,” an attractive lady sobbed at a recent crusade.  “My husband is so good to me.  We live in a beautiful home…but I feel so frustrated.  What do you think is wrong with me?” 

Life is not a schedule of defeats, but a parade of miracles.  It wasn’t meant to be an endurance of trials, but an enjoyment of triumphs.  We decide.  Jesus said, “These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”  John 15 : 11  While many believers live in the joy and the power of the Jesus-life, others do not.  Why are so many living in fear and defeat?  Is happiness released by a Sunday morning walk to a church altar?  Or repeating the “sinner’s prayer” after a pastor?  Or by time spent with a marriage counselor?  Too many are looking to someone else to bring their happiness to them.  “But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.”  Galatians 6: 4  Happiness doesn’t start around you, it begins inside you.  Stop waiting for flowers to arrive.  It is the growing of the seed inside you this very moment.  Start growing the seeds inside.

Some people go through life pleased that the glass is half-full.  Others spend a lifetime lamenting that it’s half-empty.  The truth is: there’s a glass with a certain volume of liquid in it.  From there, it’s up to you!

Feel grateful for small things in your life, because when you put them all together you will see just how big they are.  The little things in life create the biggest smiles.  Be happy!  Not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything.  You can be as happy as you allow yourself to be.  Happiness is not by chance but by choice.  Stay happy, stay true.  Because in the end, you’ll always have you.

Excerpt from my message ‘The Happiness Factor’

We just completed an amazing 3 weeks of ministry in 6 cities around Finland.  We can sense that the atmosphere is changing in Finland.  Many people are hungry for more of God.  Altar calls full of people giving their lives to Jesus and getting right with God.  Many were filled with the Holy Spirit and many were healed.  We started our tour in Helsinki where there was a big evangelistic ‘Change Campaign’ going on in the whole city that brought more than 70 churches together. Events were organized on radio, TV and in churches.  We were privileged to close the ‘Change Campaign’ with a series of 4 meetings in a church in downtown Helsinki.  Ilke had an amazing women’s meeting in Helsinki.  During the course of those meetings there was such a strong release of the prophetic that the elders wanted to know whether I received information about their church prior to my preaching.  They were amazed about the accuracy of the preaching and prophetic words.  God is still speaking today.

We also had a great meeting in Malmi.  We were in that church 2 years ago and this time around a man came to testify how he was healed from stomach cancer after we prayed for him 2 years ago.  Praise God!

From Helsinki we traveled by train to Kopio.  We had an amazing time of ministry in Kopio.  The meetings were so well attended, even the pastors were surprised.  There was also a great demonstration of the power of God and many lives were changed.  Ilke had a ladies meeting that lasted 5 hours with hundreds of women, the place was packed.  We also preached 1 night in Varkaus. 

After that we went to Tampere where we had some great Holy Ghost meetings in Hervanta.  People traveled from different cities around Finland to be in those meetings.  It was so great to see all our good friends from that area.

Our last city was Kotka.  This church was very exceptional with a great spirit of excellence.  The pastors and leaders were very hungry and so were the people.  In previous times churches did not work together in this area but the Lord used our coming to break down walls. 

This tour was very successful and fruitful.  We thank God for all what He did.  There was a very positive article in a national newspaper about the impact of our tour in Finland.  Thanks to pastor Martti for coordinating our coming to Finland!  We are already looking forward to our tour in 2012.

Thanks for all the prayers and support!

 Continue to reach forward in Him! 

Every blessing!

Guy & Ilke