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News Update May and June 2015 – China – Malaysia - USA


Dear Friends

Greetings from Bristol, England.  We are excited to be in this historical city where open-air meetings started in the United Kingdom. It’s a city full of Christian heritage. George Muller’s orphanage and John Wesley’s Chapel are located here. We are also excited to minister in Wales this Sunday. Wales, the home of the Welsh revival where over a 150,000 people got saved. The 1904–1905 Welsh Revival was the largest Christian revival in Wales during the 20th century. While by no means the best known of revivals, it was one of the most dramatic in terms of its effect on the population, and triggered revivals in several other countries. Be in agreement with us for a move of God with salvations, signs, wonders, miracles and times of refreshing from the Lord as we minister the next 12 days in Bristol, Wales, London and Derby in the United Kingdom.

Hope In God

I want to encourage you today to hope in God.  No matter how strenuous the situation and devastating the difficulties.  The famous American cardiologist Leslie B. Flynn said in his autobiography, “Hope is the medicine I use more than any other. Hope can cure nearly everything.” Another doctor commented: “If you lead a person to believe there’s no hope, you drive another nail in his coffin.”  Charles Allen said: “When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God.”  There are no hopeless situations.  There are only people who have grown hopeless about their situations.

Only as we submit our brokenness to the good and great Shepherd of our hearts, can we find the peace that allows us to respond to life: Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance. - Psalm 42:5 

Hope in God, is the only solution for the deep traumas of the heart.

The Christian’s hope is in the Lord,

we rest secure in His sure Word;

and though we’re tempted to despair,

we do not doubt that God is there.

No one is hopeless whose hope is in God.

Since we wrote you last we ministered in China, Malaysia and the USA (New York – Katy, TX – Silsbee, TX - Temecula, CA - San Bernardino, CA – Murrieta, CA - and Pasadena, CA).


We had a great time in China, where we trained businessmen on Kingdom Finance and prayed for many to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It was a wonderful time.  Our ministry time also included a marriage seminar and a time of ministry in a couple of churches.  It was awesome to see the hunger.  It was also great to connect and visit with some of our friends. It was a blessing to see God touch and bless many.


We were blessed to be guest speakers at a national businessmen’s camp organized by the FGB.  Delegates came to the conference from Vietnam, Australia, Singapore, USA and from all around Malaysia.  The theme of the conference was ‘Waiting on the Lord’.  I also trained the businessmen on how to do power evangelism by using the gifts of the Holy Spirit to witness.  It was a blessing to see many move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, after the training and the activation.  We also spoke at Greater Glory Christian Center in Kuala Lumpur. I ministered to the men on the 7 gifts God gave to men and then on Sunday we had a wonderful miracle service.  We had a blessed time in Malaysia. It was also great to spend time with some of our friends. 


After our tour in Asia we ministered for 3 weeks in different cities in the USA.  We spoke at the Power Surge Conference in Brooklyn, New York.  Ilke spoke at the youth meeting and also ministered deliverance at one of the services.  I spoke at 2 miracle services.  There was a great demonstration of God’s power.

Click here to watch testimonies of healing in Brooklyn, New York.


After New York we ministered in Katy, Texas, in the outskirts of Houston.  It was an awesome meeting.  The presence of God was so tangible.

Here’s what some people said about the meeting:

Tonight was epic!! The Holy Spirit was present from the time we enter the building, till the time we left. Tonight I saw a lot of people being healed right before my eyes!!! Me and my husband really enjoyed. The move of God was real tonight!! Thanks Dr. Guy and Ilke Peh ~Tippi

The fragrance of the Lord filled the house tonight at church. The glory of the Lord was so present, literally you could smell it. Thank you Guy Ilke Peh for coming and depositing here at Northwest Believers church. llke there nothing like your ((((hugs)))). Blessings to you both. ~Melissa

The presence of the Lord showed in a beautiful and big way last night. Supernatural healings and the fragrance of God that was smelled by so many present. What an awesome God we get to serve! ~Larry

We were so blessed to hear the testimony of Brother Albert, a businessman in Katy, Texas. He lost his son in a tragic accident several years ago. After that he went through financial difficulties. He attended one of our services a few years back in which God gave him a prophetic word through me. The word came to pass and today his company and business are flourishing tremendously. He's working on a multiple million contract now. He said that before he goes to a business meeting he will often replay the prophetic word and he knows that God gives him favor. What a mighty God we serve. He's able! 1 Timothy 1:18 This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare.

From Katy, TX, we went to Silsbee, TX where we ministered at Word of Life.  It was a wonderful healing service. The front of the church was full of people testifying about the healing power of God. People were excited about the meeting.

Click here to watch testimonies of healing from Silsbee, Texas.


We also did a small tour in Southern California in Murrieta, Temecula, San Bernardino, and Pasadena.

In Murrieta we ministered at Healing in the Valley conference.  So many people got healed and touched.  It was great to reconnect with some friends.

Click here to watch testimonies of healing in Temecula, California at Healing in the Valley Conference.


We also ministered at Kingdom Culture at ‘Extreme Weekend’ in their 3 campuses in San Bernardino, Pasadena and Temecula.  It was a powerful time.

Click here to watch the powerful testimony of a lady that was healed of a severe stuttering problem in San Bernardino, California. 


This lady was stuttering since the age of 14. She could not hold a normal conversation. After prayer she could speak normally. Her family and children were so surprised.  They came to the church for the first time and her mom was telling her testimony to everyone at the church after the service. They were so excited.

Click here to watch testimonies of healing in Temecula at Kingdom Culture, California.


We thank God for all what He did the last few weeks.  He never ceases to amaze us.  We have seen a consistent flow of the power of God in operation in our meetings.  God is so good. God is so faithful!

Thanks for your prayers and support.

Continue to reach forward in Him.

Love and blessings,

Guy & Ilke

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