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News Update Europe: Germany, Belgium, Latvia, Estonia, Italy and The Netherlands – April & May 2015

Dear Friends

Greetings from China.  We just finished an amazing 2 month ministry tour in Europe.

I want to encourage you today to press into prayer and His Presence because we have access to Him.

We have access!

The word ‘access ’ is found only three times in the New Testament:  ~ Romans 5 : 1 – 2, ~ Ephesians 2 : 18, and ~ Ephesians 3 : 12.

These three passages teach us 4 things about access: 

2.  We have access unto the Father. (Ephesians 2 : 18).  Though He is sovereign, we can still approach Him as a child does a father (Luke 11 : 11 – 13; Romans 8 : 15).

You have access to God and through prayer you can change things. You have access!

3.  We have access through Jesus Christ.

(1 Timothy 2 : 5). The blood gives us boldness (Hebrews 10 : 19).

A father took his children to the county fair one day.  Since they were obviously not interested in the prize pig or calf, the father bought a whole roll of tickets for the various rides at the fair. As each of the children approached a ride, they would hold out a hand to get a ticket from their father. At one ride, after all his children had received tickets, a strange boy whom the father had never seen came up and held out his hand, obviously expecting a ticket. The father drew back his roll of tickets. He wasn’t about to give this boy a ticket.  Upon seeing this, the man’s son, Stephen, turned and said to his dad, “It’s okay, dad, this is my friend. I told him you would give him a ticket.” Do you know what the father did?  He gave the boy a ticket in Stephen’s name. 

That boy had no right to a ticket, but since his son had said he would do it, the father honored the name of his son by giving that strange boy a ticket.

We have access through Jesus. He gave us a ticket - His blood.

4.  We have access by our faith.

(Romans 5 : 2; Ephesians 3 : 12). The essential ingredient is prayer (Hebrews 10 : 22).

Here’s a short report of our missionary journey the last 2.5 months in Europe.


Easter Conference in Germany

We started our ministry trip in Germany.  Easter weekend we ministered in Mulheim an Der Ruhr at The House of Solutions.  It was a dynamic weekend.  Many were touched.  We were blessed to see so many hungry people in Germany.

Click here to watch testimonies of healing from Germany.


After Germany we ministered in Belgium, in the region of Diest where 4 churches came together for a special gathering.  The leaders expressed their desire to see the supernatural in the meeting and God honored their expectations.  There was a demonstration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and people testified that they were healed by the power of God.


Access Conference in Belgium

We are excited to be part of what God is doing in Belgium. We are blessed to work with so many pastors that are Kingdom minded.

We were able to organize together with 12 churches a great event, The Access Conference. This year was the 5th edition of this conference.  It’s wonderful to see God bring leaders and believers together.  On Saturday morning all the leaders of the 12 churches came together for a breakfast and a special time of teaching. In the leaders’ meeting there was a strong prophetic anointing. Saturday afternoon there was a special youth event for all the teenagers and youth of the different churches.  It’s so great to see so many young people come together. We also had 3 general meetings open to the public.  Many people came expecting to receive from God. We can sense that something has shifted the last few years in the atmosphere and that the relationships between the leaders are so much better.  We thank God for the leaders in Belgium.  We are glad to be co-workers with them in the harvest field.  Thanks to David, Johan, intercessors and all the volunteers who worked hard to make this a success. 

Breakfast with pastors and leaders 

Access Conference, Belgium

I am always blessed to have Ilke as my translator.  We are so blessed to be a small part of what God is doing in her country of birth. Team-work makes the dream-work.

Access Conference in Belgium

From Belgium we went to The Baltic States.


We started our ministry in Ventspils, where we spoke at a minister’s conference.  We trained leaders on how to function in different aspects of church ministry which includes: how to preach, how to witness, how to lead a team, and how to train people to become leaders, etc.  The host pastor said that’s what they really needed.

Spring Conference in Riga, Latvia

From Ventspils we traveled to Riga; where we did a ‘Spring Conference’ in the largest church in The Baltics. The conference included a men’s meeting, where I taught on the 7 gifts that God gave to man.  Ilke spoke at a ladies event and we had 2 miracle services.  So many people got healed.  There was a very long line of people that were testifying about the healing power of God in their lives.  We serve a powerful, awesome God.  Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Click here to watch testimonies of healing from Riga, Latvia (part 1).


Click here to watch testimonies of healing from Riga, Latvia (part 2).



From Latvia we drove to Estonia.  We enjoyed the scenery of the beautiful forests.

Recording TV programs in Tallinn, Estonia

 The first few days of our time in Estonia was for media ministry.  We recorded 6 TV programs and a few radio programs.  The TV programs will air on TV7, TBN Baltic and Life TV.  We thank God for the opportunity to reach people in their homes through TV ministry.

Poverty close to the Russian border in Estonia

We traveled from Tallinn for a few days to minister close to the Russian border in a remote area where most people are very poor.  We were shocked by the poor conditions in which the people were living there.  We had some powerful services there.  We distributed our books translated in Russian for free to the poor. They were so thankful to get the books. We really love their pastor.  He’s a great visionary with a great heart for people. 

Distributing free resources in Russian and Estonian

After a fruitful time close to the Russian border we traveled back to Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.

Gospel Outreach in Tallinn, Estonia

We spoke at a special Gospel outreach at the Singing Arena in Tallinn.  The event was advertised on big billboards all over the city, in shopping malls and in busses. 

Advertisement at shopping Mall for Gospel Event

in Tallinn, Estonia

Many people came and many gave their lives to Jesus.  We were blessed to see the nation of Estonia impacted with the Gospel.  Many were healed and saved during our time of ministry there.  We also had 3 services at the Media-House.  The meetings were full of demonstration and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

 Click here to watch testimonies of healing from Estonia.



Spring – Summer Conference in Verona, Italy

Our next ministry assignment after Estonia was in Verona, Italy. We were invited to be the key-note-speaker at the spring-summer Extra-Ordinary-God Conference. We preached 8 times during this great weekend.  There was such a powerful anointing.  So many were touched and healed.  The meetings were packed.

Click here to watch testimonies of healing from Italy.


The last day Ilke went to the children church and prayed for the kids to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  All the kids were speaking in tongues.  The pastors received testimonies of parents that were pleasantly surprised that their kids were praying in tongues all by themselves at home. 

During the meetings there was a man that had back problems for 25 years because of an injury.  I did not know anything about his situation but the Lord revealed to me through a word of knowledge that he had a back problem because of an injury.  He was instantly healed.

Click here to watch the testimony of a man in Italy that was healed of a 25-year back injury.


During the meeting there was lady that stood in proxy for her father who was blind in Africa due to a cataract.  After prayer she received a phone call that he was instantly healed.  There’s no distance in the realm of the Spirit.

Click here to watch the testimony of a blind man that was healed in Africa when we prayed over his daughter in Italy.


We thank God for pastors Emmanuel and Marian who were such great hosts.  They took us to visit Venice and showed us around Verona.  We truly enjoyed our time of fellowship with them.

Sightseeing in Venice, Italy

The Netherlands

In Your Presence Conference in

Zwijndrecht, The Netehrlands

We completed our European ministry tour in Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands. We ministered at ‘The Your Presence Pentecost Conference’ at Nehemiah Ministries - a vibrant and dynamic church.  So many people attended the meetings.  On Sunday there was a strong move of the Holy Spirit.  So many people received their deliverance.  I had a word of knowledge about people that had suicidal thoughts; so many people came to the front.  When we started to pray there were so many demonic manifestations in the people that came out for prayer and in the crowd.  So many were set free.  It was so awesome to see God move in such a powerful way.  Many were saved by God and filled with the Holy Spirit in the services.  We so enjoyed our time with pastors Bert and Henrietta.  We are thankful for this Kingdom connection.

We want to give all the glory to God for what He did the last two and a half months.   

Six nations were impacted by the Gospel of Power through our ministry on this trip. We want to thank all our intercessors for standing on the walls in prayer.  We also want to thank all our financial partners for helping us take the Gospel of Power to the nations.  Together we can do more.

We just arrived in China.  Please pray for our time here.  We will let you know later what the Lord is doing.

Continue to reach forward in Him,

Love and blessings,

Guy & Ilke

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