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News Update: Mission USA – July and August 2010

Dear Friends

Most people, both sacred and secular, know that one of the great epic stories of the Old Testament is how God made a promise to His people about a land.  This is the basic of Christianity.  Christianity is not based on empirical facts or proof.  I like the way the Bible starts, “In the beginning God…”  He didn’t try to prove that He was there.  Without argument and explanation He just says so.  Christianity is based on the concept of promise.  You might be wondering “what are the promises of God?”  The Bible contains 66 books of promise.  For example, Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”   Here are some others found Deuteronomy 28:

You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country; you will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out; the Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to.     

Christianity is based on the fact that if God says a thing, you can count on that thing.  God’s ability to rule over time and to manipulate time is one of the signs of His sovereignty.  His ability to make something happen at a particular time and place is also the testimony that nothing is outside of His jurisdiction.  Nothing is beyond His reach.  That He can do anything at anytime, anywhere, when He wants to do it.  He is certainly not restricted by human limitation and time.  This is an incredible thing that brings security into the life of the believer because it tells me that all my days are in His hand and have been written in the Book.  So, the longer you walk with God, the less you become concerned about how something is going to be done and the more you become certain that what God promised you is real and it’s going to get done.  That’s why the Bible says that those that come to Him must believe that He is and that He is the rewarder of those that seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)  Following God requires faith because it’s built on promises.  The fact that God said what He said, with no proof, no data, no supporting evidence makes you have to have faith in God to believe. 

I like the concept of promise because promise demands faith. If I have the proof, I don’t need faith.  If I received the promise, I have to have faith.  Faith is the evidence of things not seen.  I need faith because surrounded with what is, I hear God declaring to me what will be.  Standing on what is, I choose to believe, that what God says will be, will be.  While I am still standing on what still is, the fact that I am moving towards what will be but I am still surrounded with what is, is the demonstration of my faith. 

I want to encourage you today, whatever you are dealing with, continue to walk towards what will be.  This is the concept of the promise.  Abraham had to stand on what is and walk towards what will beYou may stand on what is (sickness, poverty, crisis) but that’s not the end.  You are moving to what will be (healing, provision, and breakthrough). 

The above is an excerpt from my message: Possessing the Blessing.   If you are interested in hearing the entire message, you can order a CD or DVD and enjoy this life changing message.


The last 2 months have been amazing.  We preached the gospel in the USA: Texas, Louisiana, Nevada and California: Dallas, Alexandria, Lafayette, Eunice, Las Vegas and Murrieta.  We enjoyed our time at the camp meeting at Christian Worship Center where we had an incredible miracle service and enjoyed the teachings and fellowship with other ministers. 

We also ministered at Metro Life, New Kingdom Ministries International in Lafayette, LA and Faith Worship Center in Eunice, LA - 3 great churches with a lot of potential.  I am glad to see God raise a new generation of ministers who are doing a lot to reach their cities.  We were blessed to be part of what God is doing there.  We also ministered at our home church and had some awesome Holy Ghost meetings. 

We were blessed to be in Las Vegas at a great church, Word of Life, during Spiritual Awakening Conference.  It was a great week of ministry, fellowship, friendship and great time in the Lord.  From Las Vegas we went to Murrieta, CA.  We were blessed to see pastor Matt and Abby and The Way Family Church.  This time of ministry was marked with a great demonstration of the power.  We had some incredible miracle services.  It was really a blessing to see so many people healed in the USA.

Here are some of the testimonies we received:

-  I wanted to share my testimony of what happened to me at the Spiritual Awakening Conference at Word of Life Christian Center in Las Vegas, Nevada on August 13, 2010.  I have suffered with an esophageal stricture for the past 5 or 6 years that has made it very difficult for me to swallow food.  At the Friday evening conference Dr. Guy Peh gave a Word of Knowledge saying that there was someone in the congregation that has been suffering from a stricture in their esophagus and it makes it difficult to swallow.  "God is healing your esophagus now," Dr. Peh said.  I had been sitting there and listening intently but my esophagus had not even been remotely on my mind.  But when I heard Dr. Peh start to speak about an esophagus, I knew immediately that God was speaking through him to me.  Almost immediately I felt my esophagus loosen up and air started to come up my throat.  I knew that I was being healed at that moment.  It is now 5 days later.  Since that day, I have been able to eat without having to painstakingly flush down every bite with lots of liquid and without worrying that food is going to get stuck in my throat (which frequently happened before and is very painful).  I have been eating the foods that previously have been the most difficult for me to swallow and have had no problem.  I praise God and give Him the Glory!  And I thank Guy and Ilke for their Spirit-filled ministry through which I have been blessed.                                                                                                                       R. Johnson

-   Mrs. Stanford’s ringing in her ears disappeared instantly after prayer.  God is able!

-   Mrs. Evelyn’s had arthritis for 30 years and was told by the doctor, she needed a knee replacement.  God healed her after prayer.  She felt a warm sensation going through her body and the pain is completely gone.   God is a God of miracles.

-   Mr. Thomas, had pain in his left shoulder and it was very painful and he had restricted movements.  After prayer his shoulder was completely healed and he had full movement of his shoulder.  Praise God.

There were many more miracles documented.  The last month we have seen more than 100 documented miracles in the USA.  All glory be to God!

If you want to read more stories about God’s power in our ministry, you can go to www.guypeh.com and click on the testimony link. 

Picture 1: Miracle service in Las Vegas

Picture 2: Miracle Service in Alexandria, LA

Picture 3: Word of Life, Las Vegas

Picture 4: Altar call Church in the City, Rowlett, TX (our home church)

We thank God for all our partners and all our intercessors.  We couldn’t have done it without your prayer and financial support.  We are excited about our next ministry assignment.

Continue to reach forward in Him.

Many blessings.

Dr. Guy & Ilke

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